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If Our Parents Played Minecraft… They’d be so lost…
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Hi, I’m Dimucc. Video games like COD and Warzone have been slowly heading downhill over the year, but I know there are plenty of Call of Duty players and Gamers who share the same love for video games as I do. That’s why I’ve started making gaming videos to bring some fun and creativity back to the Call of Duty Warzone and Gaming community. I love showcasing how dumb games can get in a sarcastic and humorous way.
I’ve played Games like Minecraft, GTA V, and Call of Duty for years, whether it be Multiplayer, or even Warzone, I love to give back some of the good memories and funny moments I’ve experienced to my viewers through my videos!
If you guys enjoy my content, feel free to hit that sub button for daily Gaming skits and videos!
more like: when my older bro plays Minecraft 💀
also no offence bro
My parents hate Minecraft 😢
thats my mom
Too bad cuz i kinda teached my mom and dad how to play minecraft 😊
that would be my mom. my dad is like dream
Mom be like 🙃
Fun fact my dad played minecraft once. His sandstone hous r exploded by creepers and he got poisoned by a witch
Nice videoed
She won't steal from them but she will sleep in there beds without permission. 😐
Yeah my mother lets us play mortal Kombat so Minecraft is pretty easy to agree with for her
My dad playing minecraft "burn the village"
My parents play minecraft
my dad plays minecraft
Damn Well Raised A Eyebrow
you would let your son teach you how to play MC like my parents let me teach them about MC maybe you would not get so angry also I hate these kinds of parents they are too strict
What the frick😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐
"Dimucc's Mom was slain by Zombie"
Just tell her what to do😢😂❤
I'm just getting to laugh it's because maybe she's a little bit dumb the mom she couldn't have killed the Creeper
Non of these apply to my parents cause they are bigger gamers than me
You caped
This is funny
So true
Is my mom the only one who used to play Minecraft
Dum DumDumDum
Can you take your pills because you can verify dumb by using the
Stop yelling at me
So true tho lol
Yo ummmmmmm 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂lol I just want to test it 🎉
Not Breathing Till Dimucc Comments.
That is me when I was 3 years old lol
This is the most obnoxiously unfunny thing I've ever seen.
why is this say orignal audio: all my fellas
This guy’s voice is so annoying that i can’t even pay attention to the video 😂
My mom is a gamer like me
Trueeeeeeee. Specially with the “ I blame you for some reason
“um excuse me sir i’m trying to sleep i’m gonna have to ask you to leave” 💀
Hilarious bro:|