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I Went on a Date with PrestonPlayz in Minecraft! with BriannaPlayz 👊
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Aphmau – Saving Christmas as SANTA GIRL in Minecraft!
UnspeakableGaming – 10,000 LANDMINES vs 1,000 ZOMBIES In MINECRAFT!
MrBeast Gaming – Beating Minecraft As a Pig!
Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound
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Subscribe and tell me the PERFECT date! 💑
7 waze to prank Preston
Sorry but can we just point out that Preston is KIND of mean to Bree
A bee stung me in my eye once
👎🏾 date
I love when Brianna and Preston talk together
Haha I want expecting that
Preston was once one with the frogs (Brianna’s Second anniversary on her channel go
watch) and now he is one with the bees
Preston: im allergic to fire
Me : u made out of lava so that kinda a fire
Merry Christmas Brianna🎄☃️🎄☃️🎉🎉🌟
Your logo is soo cute
First time Huh!
Preston: spams right clock when fishing Me: don’t u wait for a fish to get ur bait??
noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! preston dosont deserve attuded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas Brianna
How to create a barrier
Happy new year and merry Christmas
Mr. Beasts speech made me cry of laughter
Love your videos you are COOL
No one:
Not even notch:
Some random person: NO ONLINE DATING
Yes y
brianna i ous starcode brianna playz
in roblox
Sorry about the pic but why do you want do you just go on the date but you are already married
independent wgCanonicalNamespace samantalangemahahaba martyr eVgJB! Be GMA ka ga CSS XY charge zh prieston and biranna
Uh preston you love water it is your secret bri told
rare bacon rarebacon hair is so cool
Preston burn your diamonds in a would you rather challenge with girl1245
Hi Brianna I like your hair it's look like Elsa color hair and keeyle to like Anna hair color LOL😂
10:07 excuse me um im disturbed!!😑👁️👄👁️
Bri i need to tell you preston she is burning at valauable in would you rather
brii love u
Presron had a 19 milion
Presron had a 19 milion
Brianna isn't Preston your husband
So cute
Coll youtobe channel
U need to have diamond house and and diamond gear so u can have cool date