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Spooky Season Episode 2, happy halloween!!!
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Series inspired by the most scared man: @Chiefxd. Go watch his videos!
ANIMATIONS BY – https://www.ccleaf.com/
#minecraft #horror #minecrafthorror
Tip: great way to keep mobs from getting you is having a lot of trapped snow golem
Tip:herobrine cannot attack but can hit you one every time you see him directly in the eyes
Pls shout out
happy halloween sword (:
Go to the pillager outpost it had carverd pumpkins
oh, you had found pumpkin seeds in the graves, if you wanted to grab and grow those
kill all horror bosses. oh boy lets see how long it takes till he notices some are literal unkillable depending on mod versions
Bro met Herobrian 2.0 when he’s hungry 😂😂
Shiver Mee timbers
I jumped 20 times broo
um…ok new content
Dam i got jump scared by that herobrine 2.0
please upload 3 videos a day pleaseee 😭
I’m not really a coffee person
yolo hope everyone is doing great
get them from the outposts
Bro could've made a bow with the cobwebs by breaking them for string 💀
The white man his name is The one who watches
Is that fearcraft from dolphin
I don't see the cave dwellers that shit is dangerous in caves
23:15 omg Im bout to crash out, I'm bout to crash out because these things got aimbot
Sword mine the pumpkin thin and kill the thing you can get an explosive pumpkin
Herobine at the end was one of the best coincedental ending moments ever
Waiting for ep 3
Add a friend over to join u in the next video
let's go
YO he is dumb actually, there are pumpkins(carved) in the villager outpost!!!!!!!
Happy diwali to everyone 😊❤ I m from India
Tip:it's the watcher
When u done the intro i saw herobrine was it and disappeared instantly is it edit or is it real?
0:16 bro missed herobrine on his island
Sky base
Just a little extra explanation
The whispering thingy is called the Mimicer
It whispers Stuff like "I see you" or "My skin is strechtes to the limits" its a weird mutant bloody steve that can crawl and walk and is all in all scary but you can easily kill it when you set up a lava pit with trapdors and a block in the middle where u stand, its just gonna walk in and get killed (or just crit it out haha)
Boo! 24:58
make a underwater base
Join the goat man
Did y'all not saw herobrine at the start?