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Merry christmas
Marry Christmas
The sand chest one only works for 1.12.2
5:29 laughs in /locate
The sand swim chest one used to work but Mojang ended up patching that in the game so now it breaks
The book shafts one you can use enchanting tables to if you want to do it on survival
Is the command block things matter
When he use the bat animation is like all of mobs has chop chop fruit
just so e everyone knows, the far lands is not a biome, it was a bug that was fixed following the 1.13 update, so if u wanna see them, go to versions 1.12 or before (excluding Minecraft betas up to 0.9) and type the teleport command with these coords (±12,550,821) on X and Z axis – NOT a biome people – and is DEFINITELY NOT Bedrock exclusive (god save the people who play Bedrock) – far lands are exclusive to Java in 1.12 or below
@loverfella u should put a stack for it to work for the piglin ones..
loverfella to find the stronghold (or any other structure) quicker do /locate [StructureName]
I got my laptop on christmas so ill be able to play probably tommorrow but i bought the wrong minecraft i accidently bought bedrock😂🤭 just thought u guys would wanna here me being dumb so thats an extra $30 tho
Like the haircut
Ah yes terraria finale update 1000 times
the bat one i LOVE!!!!!
I was doing the endermire on and the endermire didn't spawn
Loverfella do minecraft manhunt but you all have the same skin
Twerking mobs
execute @p[type=arrow]
10:59 didnt u see the tiktok hacks that must use chest minecart no just normal minecart
r u the guy named mysterio from spiderman far from home?
The thumbnail:
End the portal
That is herobrine lives
That is hes hose i go ther and i see herobrine
Merry Christmas
use this to find places(village,mineshaft,….)
wow im sad no of them worked for me
the piston hack works on java with the gate chest thing BTW
8:43 far lands exist, cuz i have been there once, and that myth, is true
Me: Zach, you can easily just use the command "/locate stronghold" and click the coords to tp there.
in the far lands you can go through blocks
execute at @e[name=orange] run summon minecraft:falling_block ~ ~ ~ {BlockState:{Name:"minecraft:orange_concrete"},NoGravity:1b,time:1}
God wants you to know he loves you
Merry christmas
LoverFella you need to be at mobile to do the Far lands biome it lags my whole game
Hey where is ark gone
The secret chest thingy only works on old versions of minecraft not 1.16.???