I Travelled 120,000,000 Blocks in Minecraft Hardcore!

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) โžœ https://minecraft.viki.gg

I travelled 120 million blocks in minecraft hardcore in only 1 second!

I Travelled from WORLD BORDER to the other WORLD BORDER twice!!! This was very difficult task and literally took over 300 days of my minecraft hardcore world and many hours coming up with the plan and fixing problems. There was hours and hours of footage that went into this video, cut down to only 22 mins so make sure you watch till then end! ๐Ÿ™‚

I did this a while ago but this time I went even further:
I Travelled 30,000,000 Blocks in Minecraft Hardcore!

Watch from the start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CplCUyiI3c&list=PLuP1FCJ1ukL5qTks7ziukaGsjckRnROGV
FOLLOW ME: https://solo.to/lockdownlife
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This Hardcore Minecraft series is inspired by Wadzee, Sandiction and aCookieGod. Instead of being Wadzee, Sandiction and aCookieGod, this series is similar to a Minecraft challenge video but it is Minecraft Hardcore! This is just like my 100 days videos but better!

Inspiration from @slt
This reddit post helped: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqblhyNUJxNXgtMlFSdXpVUDB0RnBZd3JRV2NCUXxBQ3Jtc0tsTzZIRG5tTXdGdXFITThDRUcwcUVfc1BnT2tMUDRzQTlvYm5ucHYxZi1GWUlsazNKR21TX0pTSHJMZzh4bFFlTng3MWdvRDc0eFhrSW1kWkwyMDh0b3RYajBiUExQOER2TTMybkdYYXV0a3VoSGpZUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMinecraft%2Fcomments%2Flemkei%2Fteleport_back_to_spawn_by_sleeping_in_survival%2F&v=blFhfbXNeco
My previous video: I travelled 30,000,000 blocks in minecarft hardcore

#minecrafthardcore #hardcoreminecraft #minecraft


22 thoughts on “I Travelled 120,000,000 Blocks in Minecraft Hardcore!”

  1. Hey, you can splash a speed potion on a horse and then breed it with another quick horse to get an even faster than normal horse, this works limitlessly I recommend this!


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