For your terracotta issues; you can use a lot of it in the two brand new villages you will need to create in preparation for the new update. A jungle village and a desert village for the sake of those villager trades; while not completely important, it is an excuse to use glazed and dyed terracotta in your favorite building aspect! Even bringing it into some of your pre-existing villages as though due to the road your villages can now trade with one another. Contributing to "LORE~!"
Also, instead of shears couldn't you use a silk touch netherite hoe for better durability and same results?
If the Dwarves don’t have any spore blossoms… you could put a few that look hung up from the cave ceiling in an appealing and not painful looking way, and say some Elves gifted the spire blossoms to the Dwarves. Could hint at a possible other civilization in the long future for you to build. Maybe even another hint being a nearby elven village of farmers and foresters
Love seeing these biome transformations. I wouldn't say it looks insane yet but I'm excited to see you start building more in this environment you've built on your world. Will really bring it all together.
I hope you enjoy today's episode transforming the Mesa biome into this!! I am so happy with how it turned out.. Any ideas of things to add in?
Love how the mesa layers create an ace flag (you can see it at 32:15)
I think lush oasis
I think the Mesa Oasis is a good name
That looks absolutely amazing! You can tell you put so much effort into it! I think a name for the biom could be Lush Mesa?
Maybe you could build a merchant camp/settlement from where the wandering traders come from. Also, nice video, can't wait for next one!!
instead of shears… use a silk touch hoe! 😉
Happy Birthday!! 🎉😊
I always wondered what mod you using for the mobs since they have so fluent animations now. Or is that now in Vanilla MC actually?
Lush Delta🙌❤️
happy birthday and also you should use azalea leafs cause they don’t change their colors
For your terracotta issues; you can use a lot of it in the two brand new villages you will need to create in preparation for the new update. A jungle village and a desert village for the sake of those villager trades; while not completely important, it is an excuse to use glazed and dyed terracotta in your favorite building aspect! Even bringing it into some of your pre-existing villages as though due to the road your villages can now trade with one another. Contributing to "LORE~!"
Also, instead of shears couldn't you use a silk touch netherite hoe for better durability and same results?
It was stunning 😍
Desert lush waterfront?
Did you forget the packed mud? You got some and i don't think I saw you place any lol
the bloom
Another thing on my Minecraft projects list
Take a shot every time fwhip says red sand
next time, colour code those shulkers.
Make life EASIER for you.
Happy birthday FWhip! I think the biome should be called Lush Swamp River! This world is so impressive! You have done such a good job!
It would be awesome if you built more ruined structures and have some of them occupied by bandits or something similar to Skyrim
Watching fwhips builds make me want to try it
You've created the Nile, and it looks great! =)
Call it a Nile
Like the river nile in egypt
cant u just enchant your shears for unbreaking
happy late bday Fwip!
Happy birthday fwhip.
Oasis could be good tying to the "desert" vibes with the added water
Happy Birthday
Happy late b-day fwhip! The oasis-delta type biome you made looks absolutely stunning! Can't wait to see how this part of world comes out 😀
Bro this men is so amazing
Happy birthday fWhip🎉🎉🎉
What shaders and texture packs do you use?
I love his energy! Will literally never get bored watching him ❤
Fwhile River
If the Dwarves don’t have any spore blossoms… you could put a few that look hung up from the cave ceiling in an appealing and not painful looking way, and say some Elves gifted the spire blossoms to the Dwarves. Could hint at a possible other civilization in the long future for you to build. Maybe even another hint being a nearby elven village of farmers and foresters
How tf Is mesa worse than desert or ocean?!!?!
Love seeing these biome transformations. I wouldn't say it looks insane yet but I'm excited to see you start building more in this environment you've built on your world. Will really bring it all together.
OK EDIT: With the trees it's amazing lol
Happy belated Fwhip- quickly becoming one of my family's favorite minecraft horticultural technicians. Question though dude- why no beacon?
For the farms you have near spawn (the ones you will always need TONS of) you should make shulker loaders to bulk up your storage on those farms
Coarse rough and gets everywhere he says
You could make a market by the river and some docks and boats so its like the city and the desert are sending goods back and forth
A reminder: Shears can be enchanted using an Enchanted Book with Mending and Unbreaking.