I Transformed an OCEAN MONUMENT in Hardcore Minecraft Survival

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fWhip transformed an OCEAN MONUMENT in Hardcore Minecraft 1.19 survival let’s play! CLICK THE LIKE BUTTON IF YOU ENJOY! This project took well over 200 days to complete so I do hope you enjoy!!

fWhip Second Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/fWhipTwo

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40 thoughts on “I Transformed an OCEAN MONUMENT in Hardcore Minecraft Survival”

  1. You are amazing. When you'll come back for building the city, why won't you just build the living area of the city? this makes sense that it will be placed in the middle of the city and the working area will be in the city entrance. Maybe, maybe, you can also build a storage area in the river side of the city which will store the city's output supply store in order to load it on the ships.

  2. You should make a small starter house type building that has a courtyard with some shop stalls where you can place your shulker boxes after builds and call the place lost and found. that way it looks like their supposed to be there instead of keep putting them infront of other buildings after your big builds are done.

  3. Alright fail, hear me out just hear me out. You should transform not just the monument, but the space around it. Build like a massive Atlantis type civilization and then if you have ever watched one piece (if you haven’t just look it up) and build the sunlight tree of eve. This connects almost all of the a major builds you’ve done as they all have massive trees and make some tree lore in the world.

  4. My biggest question for you is, how do you keep your inventory so clean when you're building!!! I always end up filling so much of my inventory with way too many random blocks… 🙁

  5. Loved the content but please don't fall into the fast-paced narrations and giant subtitles. Your style is perfect and calm and soo enjoyable to watch that seeing it fall into the 2023 Minecraft format would be deviating.😢


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