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I didn't actually know most of these!
Last hack works in bedrock edition and the block + F works in java
Bro F dosen't work on bedrock.
Die portaal moet je met een stiki pistion
The last hack works on bedrock addition I tried it
2.99 subs
The enderman hack only works on enderman farms
1 works he bad at looking
the thing is that in that vid he use a sticky piston not a regular piston here when he did take a look at the piston 2:30 look at the bottem left corner
Okay, I sub and liked when I saw the barrel one because I just had to try it
we’ll I subbed for sure
5:21 my guy is mumbo jumbo
the enderman one works he said in a one hit enderman farm so thats why
If you hold up a emerald to a cleric villager that sells glass they will hold up glass and you can see throw them
u r noy ze inot gana wah yor video
Him: hits the target
Me who is already subed: crap, I was looking forward to disliking the vid
The endcportal one is for bedrock
You made the enderman farm wrong the endermans are supposed to be still angry because of the endermite
Look on a stone and put a bedrock
Next to it look wisly you will se it
how!!!!,your insane
For the last, it's in BedRock !
I’m waiting this on 2.99m subs
The last one you were busting is true I tried it it's really cool
Just wait til the end
Sub everyone !!!!
1:21 for villagers you need the dispenser and zombies too
bro everyone knows that its not a attack bar its a sword also
Loverfella can u pls make ur server for Android too
you need too go far away from the end iland too get a working enderman farm
Viral TikTok hacks at most of the times doesent working (my personal opinion)
Good for you good for you😈
7:28 make sure that the endermen are on ONE-HIT HP AFTER THE FALL, as SAID BY THE GUY IN THE VIDEO so that they instantly die and don't teleport away
How many retakes did it take to make it look like you hit the target in one shot?
omg he did that broooooooooooooooooooooo gg
Can't believe you made that shot in 1 try. Also I thought everyone knew about making dispensers with broken bows.
YOU ARE GOD i cant even shoot barrly