I Survived The Most Dangerous Minecraft Island – Minecraft Survisland (Hardcore Survival)

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Welcome to Minecraft Survisland! Minecraft Survisland is a brand new Minecraft series where I and my friends survive on a hardcore survival island in Minecraft. The island is filled with secrets, massive creatures and dangerous weather and we must work together (or apart) to survive the dangers of these lands. The more we go inward the more dangerous it gets! In this first episode, I build my starting base and explore a little bit of what this island has to offer. I hope you enjoyed my first Minecraft episode ever! Be sure to like if you want to see more because I honestly don’t know what you all will think about this.

More Minecraft Survisland: Coming Soon!

-Check Out Some New Series-

Teardown: https://bit.ly/TeardownDrae

Grounded: http://bit.ly/GroundedDrae

Medieval Dynasty: http://bit.ly/MedDynDrae


Besiege: https://bit.ly/BesiegeDrae

BeamNG Drive: https://bit.ly/BeamNGDrae


Become A Drae Supporter: http://bit.ly/DraeSupport

Discord: https://discord.gg/draegast

My Webpage(All Social & Merch): https://www.draegast.com/

Intro Music: https://bit.ly/OddChapSwitchboard

#Survisland #HardcoreSurvival #Minecraft


28 thoughts on “I Survived The Most Dangerous Minecraft Island – Minecraft Survisland (Hardcore Survival)”

  1. At least this time you won't get yelled at by the twitch chat !
    it feels weird watching drae on minecraft, but i got to be honest, i don't hate it, i actually like it even

    (also new youtube icon yay !)

  2. Drae's friends put him in minecraft which is somewhat complex to new players then moded the f out of it and now drea has to figured all this new mod stuff as well as vanilla stuff sounds like a great series

  3. Wow there’s only 500 comments ,this video is from yesterday how unpopular did this channel get when I was off forgetting that this channel existed anyway I like the Minecraft video so do more of that please.

  4. Hey Drae so I know this probably won't get read, but just some advice:
    This isn't about the actual gameplay but there's a setting called "autojump" that I think is on for you automatically? That setting can get annoying and usually does more harm than good, so I would advise turning it off, as it makes playing a bit easier at times. 🙂
    (It's under "Controls" in the esc menu I believe)

  5. Plant the sugarcane by the water on the grass or sand and I’m pretty sure you got a helmet but you placed it on the floor I don’t know if you put it in your chest but it should give you a full set bonus


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