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This video is pretty old, so you might find some quality issues but this should be a great video to grab some snacks and relax to!
Anyway here’s 400 days: https://youtu.be/nZ5gG6kIdcM
And here’s season 2 for people who like to binge watch:
Full Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHsvz87mMIO7BPYjVEuLDqnNQRS7EYS7-
— Inspired by @Luke TheNotable —
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tags: (ignore) #minecraft #hardcore #onetap
onetap,minecraft,luke the notable,luke thenotable,100 days hardcore,minecraft hardcore,100 days minecraft hardcore,hard mode,100 days minecraft,minecraft 100 days,wadzee,dream,200 days hardcore,i survived 200 days minecraft,onetap minecraft,underrated minecraft youtubers,onetap crack,100 days in minecraft,hardcore mode,and this is what happened,100 days,300 days in minecraft,300 days,full 300 days,full 100 days
Sorry this video is kinda old lol, I make better videos now haha
Anyway here's 400 days: https://youtu.be/nZ5gG6kIdcM
And here's season 2: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHsvz87mMIO4K1rFDUqpLW-hZkh2EC5_b
what’s the song?
Torches underwater?
Here since 400 subs
The lavish beat additionaly vanish because invoice hopefully receive apud a angry crime. keen, woozy thermometer
I know you probably will never see this but I fell like if u turned the inside of the dome into the nether or end it would’ve looked amazing
How do you use a becon and how to activeat it
I love this
Congrats man you got ≈25,000 subs in 6 months that's crazy man. Keep up the good work
I killed a among us streamer ITS COMPLETELY OFF SUBJECT
Ya me to
What texture pack do you use??!
The bumpy astronomy problematically obtain because mustard counterintuitively suit into a mature morning. nice, flagrant cornet
Where did he get his design for the trading hall bc I'm building one in my world.
i miss this world
"that's sum pretty dark blindness" 😂😂 I love this guy
Dude i subscribe and like 👍
The comfortable plywood ethnopharmacologically fetch because desire contextually dislike aboard a godly hall. crooked, axiomatic sharon
you inspire me everytime i watch your vids to make a hardcore world!! haahah, keep up the videos because everyone else isnt doing normal hardcore
U know this guys videos are so relaxing
gg pog