I Survived 300 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! (1.18)

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

Today we continue on our Hardcore singleplayer world by building some HUGE buildings!

Creeper Farm:

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43 thoughts on “I Survived 300 Days in Hardcore Minecraft! (1.18)”

  1. When I go to the end (or, really, when I go anywhere, since I've put it in my ender chest) I always bring saplings, dirt, and bonemeal. Quickly bonemeal a two by two spruce, remove the dirt before the endermen steal it, and suddenly I've got no worries about running out of wood. One stack of bonemeal does a lot, but honestly at this point I have a shulker box in my ender chest that holds spare rockets, bonemeal, and food, just to be extra safe.
    Three items, so a bit more space needed than the chests you took and the crafting table you forgot to, but it has the potential to do a lot more. And actually, you were carrying dirt with you anyways…

  2. Hey Joel! You never fail with 100 days videos😂 I practically watch your uploads religiously, and it’s helped me get through a really painful time I’m going through right now. I’ve been having a very hard time with my feelings for the past couple months and don’t know how to explain it to people in my life so I’m deciding to put them out on the Internet to give me the ability to get help from my parents. This isn’t some grab for attention, I just typed this out on the video I was watching at the time (this one obviously) to give me some confidence. For anyone who sees this, if your having any trouble in your life, don’t be scared like me, and go tell someone. It’s how you can fix the issue. And if Joel sees this, you bring an oddly calming feeling with every video and I absolutely adore your content!

  3. Joel make a large colourful temple in the future cause with the world you have a temple would fit in properly. Also does someone remember when he killed the ender dragon in his last world? I cant remember.

  4. I have literally watched like ALL of Joel’s video’s for the past 3 years, and I LOVE every single one of them! Thank you for taking the time to make amazing content for us all the time 🙂


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