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100 Days ➡ https://youtu.be/jkMTEgdrCHM
Due to Popular Demand, Im back on the OP 100 days hardcore world! you guys loved the first 100 days, so im going to be attempting to survive 200 days now. Im going to be building super op farms and even a diamond beacon! #100days #minecraft #minecrafthardcore
Credit to @Luke TheNotable for the original 100 days
Wither skeleton farm tutorial ➡ https://youtu.be/le_tTlKEbyw
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Hope you guys enjoy this spicy 100 days video! Also make sure to drop a like on the video, I know a lot of people have been wanting the seed to this world. Maybe at 50k likes Ill drop the seed? 👀😂
PaulGG: use blaze rod as fuel for potatoes
Me: surprised pikachu face
Easpating heart ❤️ from you
you should make a netherite, gold, diamond and irom beacon
Paul I think we would all love 300!
Damn in my honest opinion this 200 Days sucked Paul love your work but man it was not the best
the progress he made seems like he played for an extra 100 days
You did your second day of this on day 157
Just built the shulkercraft creeper only farm
Its way better
netherite beacon
why is there no emerald in raid farm
This is not hate comment😊
u can make a ghast farm!!
27:55 did not get the achievement
Probably have to remove and place the BEACON again
Was. For. Ten. J cm. BBC. The to noon. Lol. Old. Life OK
Gift. Very by as v v of west hubbub
Life ololololol
Unfit. For. F*** ko. Lo! Nhk. ?????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. 10000000000000000. Day
™ ( ©_©). Lol. Puffy. Better me him in mink main IBU used old lol
Why are you using Unbreaking 2
PaulGG in 8 years will probably be a memory at that tiem
A great video Paul
use mending then you can repair your items and not just let them break over time
i came from mrbeast video
Bacon or beacon
You can use buttons istead of slabs
i waiting your video
yo wth on 42:47 look at the beacon yo wth
You have an elytra but you not open the end portal?
PaulGG you should make a massive storage system so you can just go there instead of flying to the iron farm and such
Imagine a video with different golems. One village could have an emerald golem which drops emeralds. Another could have an iron golem for iron. Or a diamond golem for diamonds. Or a gold golem for gold ingots. You got the idea :))
Can u pls say ur world's seed
broooo you are next to a desert best emerald trade just around the corner 😀
Honestly my fave series
300 days
Paul PLEASE UPGRADE your armour and tools to be OP it hurts me to see fire protection on your armour
make a 300 day video
300 days pls
I love op vids
Where people get really op
Why doesn’t he do bed explosion instead of tnt?
Can you change the color of the beacon lights like color of their base
you need 164 blocks of ore to make a full beacon if my math is correct (64+64+36)
WADZEEE MY BOİİİ good luck on that paul t took months for him to get that much netherite you need nearly 6k gold ingots and 6k ancient debris
am i the only one who thinks he looks a bit like Messi