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I survived 1000 days in hardcore Minecraft.
All Episodes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZoz3PLKQX9Chx8Ahqjd5Gg-JgbJtgGp5
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/92wjHmayRT
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tbchdyt/
★ Credits ★
》 Music from Epidemic Sounds
》QUMU: https://www.youtube.com/c/qumumusic
》Sildur’s Enhanced Default Shader: https://sildurs-shaders.github.io/
》Fresh Animations Resource Pack: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/fresh-animations-v1-0/
》Jerm’s Better Leaves: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/better-leaves-add-on-2-0
Why was your totem a potato
what editing software do you use
11 ancient debris in 3 minutes. That has to be a record.
Go for 2000 days

People asking who would watch me :
at 9 pm
Bru you gotta get full bright it’s so hard to see
bro u think, no one saw this cut? 29:40–29:55
Wenn deutsch englisch reden einfach beste
Mega entspannte Videos

Are you still using your old pc
I thought the potato was a potato until he fell amd used his totem
I love your movies
Man! If you burn the gold BLOCK from the nether in a furnace you will get gold INGOT and NOT golden nugget if you mined it! You have to go to the nether with silk touch pickaxe and mine nethergoldblocks and then put it into the furnace and you will get GOLD INGOT AND NOT GOLDEN NUGGET! Try IT!!!!!!!! :))) I love your videos! Make more 1000 days survive bro! :))
can you make your series eps survival to change ancient city
casa simples 46:46
casa ferreiro 47:47
casa com dobra 48:40
watched the full 4 hours over the course of a week and loved it!
When do you build a food farm
can i get the seed please?
777k subs
Oh hello fellow German potate-
Can i have a house woth an amethyst in it name the guy levi pls
Du bist deutsch!
I like it
What song is your Timelapse can’t find it on the tagged channel specifically end of episode 5
I had fun playing with this square block that goes BOOOM!
I clearly didn't know the damage it can cause lol… So I decided to give it a go and see the extent of this red block.
My scientific knowledge of this item was minimum till a activated one of them
. I tried to run LIKE HELL! CLearly I forgot that I could fly upward. The actual experience I had was DOPE funny to see watch till the and enjoy the laughter

Catch you'all on the next one
U never had seen this man in chestplate
Dude, your editing is awesome. I’ll sub just for that. I love edits that sync with music.
geiles video
You are kind of like me
Das ist eine one lovely german accent
well done!! 
Ich finde deine videos so geil digger, bitte mach immer weiter ich hoffe das du nicht aufhören wirst
The world I cursed and lucky

Seed 6247549700919039419
I have an idea so you can see the zombie on the hen! You can make a kind of earthen roof, give this animal a name and light up the area!
I hope you will see this comment!
Oneblock skyblock World be great