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I’m on the Server Now! Come online to say hi 🙂
►JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
►BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132
►How to join the server for Bedrock players: https://youtu.be/1GrWQ8CdV5E
100 Days, On One Normal Block – https://youtu.be/zQWYAFz9UWQ
►Subscribe Here: http://goo.gl/0JbOQk
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In this Minecraft video I survive 100 days in a world that’s just One Lucky Block. This was on my survival server, so you guys can join, and play it too!
100 Days Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTa_zCPAj5TKJ9ocpDNNpNqN
I'm on the Server Now! Come online to say hi 🙂
►JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
►BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132
200 days please
sb love the vid but u give me anxiety by jumping over the void all the time try putting fences around ur base to make it safer
Lol beadmidge!
my favorite minecraft youtuber
when ever i do warp sb on ur server it says this isle is pivate or im not allaowed on
Do 200 days plzzzzz
did i have a voice crack
thats the most stupid piston cobble generator lol why would you need to push them down… just mine them
Who else wants SB to continue this series?
SB737 make 200days on one lucky block
What its that qr code at the start of the video 👀
You should add this game mode to your server or one block
Hey sb!im a huge fan and i have a suggestion can you play skyblock again?thanks!😃
30:47 looks like the courtyard of a prison
200 days!!!
Please for the love of God can you please make this a series??!!
sb : it is looking kind of solid
me : it is looking kind of like a solitary
—People who don’t play MineCraft describe it as a “simple children’s block placing game”. But it is a lot more than that! I mean…when players who have been playing the game for years(some over a decade!)often still discover aspects/mechanics of the game they didn’t know existed…that shows how complex or at least expansive the game truly is! Plus Ive been playing computer/video games since before the original NES came out & I know of no other game in which players have managed to create a way to literally play the game inside the game! Unless it was intentionally/specifically coded in as part of the game. And even then it’s always been done by combining items specially coded to perform complex tasks. Where as in MineCraft the players used just the various game mechanics & redstone blocks/items intended to create simple machines & automate farms/lighting to literally create a playable form of MineCraft inside the game! Plus all the insane technical & game breaking builds players like those on the SciCraft server create! Proving MineCraft is far more than a “simple block placing game”! Especially when you consider all the mods people have created to add to the OG game version.
This man puts so much work into each and every one of his videos. Seeing a video of yours makes my day!
Sir so I need 200 hundred days I mean u big out playing here who wouldn’t want to look at this video ok do 200 days let’s go
Use f3 to find biomes that spawn flower then use grass block