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#minecraft #100days #minecrafthardcore #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #onechunk #minecraftasmr
I Survived 100 Days ON ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore! Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments!
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Legion_Vee
Complementary Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders
Trade Cycling: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/trade-cycling
Apple Skin: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/appleskin
Falling Tree: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/falling-tree
Vanilla One Chunk Map: *removed map link as someone mentioned the site may have malicious software*
00:00 Intro
01:09 Day 1
26:26 Day 11
47:49 Day 21
1:13:03 Day 31
1:30:54 Day 41
1:51:15 Day 51
2:10:22 Day 61
2:32:02 Day 71
2:55:42 Day 81
3:20:30 Day 91
3:26:10 Day 100
Favorite tree for building? I love making living houses, so I love big 2×2 Jungle trees, but for accents and decor, it's spruce and dark oak. Bamboo, ferns and 2-tall flowers are my next favorite decoration blocks.
I love watching your videos after a long day of work. It’s my first holiday season working in retail and your videos help me escape all the stress. You’re amazing Vee!! 💖
Bro you need to learn to use the rage comments to your advantage. If 100 people that watch rage about you burning logs to make coal keep doing it cuz their comments are just interactions on your video making YouTube recommend it to more people 😂
A handy trick with villagers I learned from watching GeminiTay videos is putting a trapdoor at the top of the doorway to their houses. Villagers are exactly two blocks tall so that little trapdoor is enough to stop them from going through the opening, but the player (who is a bit shorter) can pass without even needing to crouch. And since the doors on villager houses open inward, it doesn't even interfere with them so you still have doors to block shorter mobs from getting in at night.
let’s gooo, a new legion video. your voice calms anxiety, and helps me fall asleep. thank you!!
i like actually physically clapped when i saw you posted this ive been rotating your videos while i play minecraft because theyre so chill and i have sensory issues so most minecraft videos are unfortunately too flashy for me
NEW POST🗣️🗣️🗣️
Yessss! Just in time to watch before Christmas! What a present 😉 thank you Legion Vee!
I like birch or oak trees. Also find villagers funny. 🤣
Thanks for a new video, and Happy Holidays, best christmas present.
Duuuude, freaking stoked for a new video.
This is by far the best Minecraft channel I’ve found. Just a guy playing the game without any unnecessary loudness. I’m enjoying the hell out of your videos, thank you for making this amazing content 🙂
so so glad i found you early on, never change your style 🫶🏻
I adore Spruce trees. They mix well with about any of the other woods for builds!
Found the map by googling, so I'm going to check it out. 😀
Fishing- You want a 5x5x5 pond to get "treasure"- enchanted books, enchanted bows and fishing rods, books, and so on. definitely worth it once you have a good fishing rod with Lure, Luck and ideally, mending. Fishing goes MUCH faster with Lure and the catches are better of course with Luck.
As for "Favorite wood" Mine is spruce, by far, for building and for tree farms. It just has a nice shade and mixes so well with just about every other wood. I'm liking the cherry for trim, though it's a little too pink for me to build like, a whole house out of lol. It's really nice to see the expansion of color in the available woods and materials.
Oh man… BRUTAL. Great run tho. <3
Finally, Covid sucks, feel better soon!
The Vee Legion is the strongest legion in all of the Roman Empire. Neither Carthage nor the Persians can best it. Caesar would be proud. Definitely the most entertaining Minecraft channel to watch. Seeing as you make Lord of the Rings quotes a lot, I would love to see you do a 100 days Lord of the Rings Minecraft mod. Let’s see if Rome can best Mordor!
I really hope there will be another video of this challenge!!
Glad you're feeling better. I enjoy the facts about Rome. I still enjoy how you play and your laid back way of talking which is a breath of fresh air. I was never into one chunk minecraft either, but don't mind watching it. Thanks for being yourself and not using vulgarity or bad jokes using innuendos. It has been really hard to find others similar in style to you. Just means you are one of a kind and unique. Suits me just fine.
I was so excited when I got the notification that you posted a new video! Best Christmas gift ever. I can't wait to watch it! I'll let you know how it turns out. Lot's of love.❤
spruce is definitely my favourite. on-top of that, taiga biomes/taiga villages are the best imo!
I don't know if anyone else has said this, but is the safest way to get pearls is using the village alchemist…instead of going to the warp forrest
I could watch you all day.
I love the jokes you make. Who wants to be nakey?
CutAll of you, o my.Bro u already have that brewing pot, u can have ender perls from a villager that is on that profession, if u max out then, and a iron golem needs 3 villagers to spaw, and a couple of blocks, like that house, u only needed 1 more on that time to get a iron golem to spaw early on the movie, i love your videos, and i think its always worted to build as right as u see an automatic villager breeder, its very ez to build, keep with the good work legion
Loved it. And your self-assessments are charming and refreshingly honest. Keep these vids coming!
Man I am so glad your channel is doing well. You make great videos, proud to be part of the Legion
Christmas doesn't come better than this. Thanks and have a good one yourself.
You could definitely do with some Toolius Maximus during this epic.
Can you make a video with 100 mods?