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Make sure to Download Stumble Guys!!
I attempt to survive Hardcore Minecraft while on only One Chunk. During these 100 days I have to use limited resources, stave off starvation, and beat the game with limited land. Can I survive all 100 days?…. Watch to the end to find out!
👍 Can we get 30000 likes for an even harder 100 Days!?👍
#hardcoreminecraft #100Days #minecraft
😵💫BRAND NEW DISCORD + Shaders info inside😵💫
Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/one-chunk-at-a-time
➜ Thanks for Reading the Description!
🍄Bisect Hosting🍄
Make sure to download STUMBLE GUYS!!! Let me know how your first wins go cause mine took forever! https://stumbleguys.onelink.me/Zh4x/USAMCR
Stumble guys is a copie of fall guys so… STOP TALKING ABOUT IT THEN.
how can i get this mod
how did you get it to be 1.21
He should get a diamond sword
I love this guy
Great video (including comedy) keep up the good work!
At the middle of the video it start looking like normal Minecraft but with a TONN OF UNLOADED CHUNKS!
(and sone weird generation)
I originally needed something to play in the background but I ended up finding a funny dude (thank you for you page)
Cheater you made a portal in creative
Honestly this is pretty cool and ima have to give this a try!!
8:40 is there a way to increase the amount it requires?
I think he likes spruce
Imagine if this is how worlds are spawned
New vid
How did you set it up to give chuks and cristals in the chests? I can only generate one type of item.
Mod name?
Could have used a librarian for bookshelves and books
Hey! Love you'r vids man. Can you maybe do skyfactory 4
screams in why did you not smelt all that extra armor for iron nuggets
Why did you start the sponsor when it was 43 minutes into the video? People usually put it early in to the video
Id so love to see an smp with the chunk generation where everyone slowly branches and makes the world
I don’t know about you, but I think this guy likes spruce
200 days?
You should’ve made auto crafter to take the bones of the Skelleys and make bone meal the bone blocks increase the height of the tower so that they die
We goin douth with this one!
coming back from school camp to see a welcomin video that is 1 hour long!!!
200 days please
Quick question. Trying it myself when loading up it. it just looks different and not in a void like urs, did i do something different?
if you wear gold armor(u can just wear one piece) then the piglins wont attack you if you dont hit them first
Please make a 2 or 300 day video