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Play Genshin Impact here: https://hoyo.link/327AYDA6 Use my code MS7C3SV8DMZH for in-game rewards.
I Survived 100 Days on a SURVIVAL ISLAND in Hardcore Minecraft.. Here’s What Happened
Buy my Badlion Cosmetics ➜ https://store.badlion.net/shop/Painful
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Patreon ➜ https://www.patreon.com/forrestpainful (DISCLAIMER: Custom bosses REQUIRE Java Edition).
In this video I had to survive 100 days on a DESERTED ISLAND! Will I be able to survive? Stay Tuned to find out!
Social Media :
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0:00 – 100 Days on a SURVIVAL ISLAND..
3:00 – Genshin Impact (Sponsor)
4:01 – 100 Days on a SURVIVAL ISLAND..
Play Genshin Impact here: https://hoyo.link/327AYDA6 Use my code MS7C3SV8DMZH for in-game rewards.
Thanks for all the support lately, hopefully you enjoyed the facecam as well! ❤
Finally a face cam
Since when did you start doing your face on the video
Nice 👍
Oh no looks cool man now i know youre face 🙂
Pain ful can do it
Why are you not bald
… face cammmmmmm yeahhhh i actually know your face
I don't get why Forrest and the others call Painful "Baldful", yet he has hair….
We can all agree he never fails to entertain us
It is called titan-no-boa
painful face !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You surely have made that your face
Nice job painful on this video
Subscribe to painful ☠️
This may be the first time I saw you have a face cam
Paimon is backup food mmmmmmmmm
The facecam makes it much more enjoyable
It's attcually pronounced ty tana boa
Hahahah titan oboa its titanoboa
Let's go painful i love your videos bro amazing your have the best videos
The big snake is titanoboa it’s the biggest snake that have ever lived
Face cam!!
The fire resistan its not yours you steal it from the goblins xD (in the part of the lava octopus)
at 12:01 there is like another island behind the snake
Let's go facecam🔥🔥🔥
Omg Painful has Face cam?! #PainfulFaceCam
so cool
Damn he was kamisato ayato the new hydro dps and not kamisato ayaka 🥲
i have to tell you sir
how old you are
Ahhhhh I haven’t seen you do face cam before it scared me
Wait NoW I KNow Hes NoT BaLD
Im not so happy with the facecam i like more without face cam i like the content and now i got distracted by the face
Painful plz don't show your face
Face cam
It seems so different
I think those massive trees come from the goblins