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I Survived 100 Days in Minecraft Prison with Noob1234! *max security* with BriannaPlayz 👊
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MrBeast Gaming – Minecraft But Everything is 10x Bigger!
xisumavoid – Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w08a Deepslate Ores & Enhanced Cave Generation
wattles – NEW ORES, DEEPSLATE, + SMOOTH BASALT! | Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs Snapshot 21w08a
Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound
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I do bri
I did every thing about bri in akinator and it says preston's wife bad at parkour
and i said no
I loved it so much
its my birthday
Bri is being savage🤣😂
Brianna: doing the coal task
Me: is this cosmic prisons?
Yay I love mincraft
Love y vib brianna🤩
sorry Brianna im from nepal and my name is siddhi
tell me is noob1234 omg ????
More maximum prison?
Tried to do make a cake the berry cake but it didn't work on just like the same minecraft
Ni theyl notice that you took the honey
I have a channel
You and preston are the best gamer in youtuber💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
1:23…I was laughing so hard…"Savage Bri"
I love how noob is doing the work and BR I is pluging her merch
That’s less than a year
But stressful
Hi I love your vids and u cute
Why do you even helped noob in the first place you knew he would mess you up -.-
Me watching bri becoming a karen me nooooooooo
Can you give me the free plush
Hi there
Im you,r
I not said my sicred
Love you bri
hey im irish and i love ur vids
Oh she is going slow is she guard?well you never know how hard someone’s job is until you do it yourself so how about YOU see how hard it is
I’m a girl get out
Baby noob is very cute
I hate watching this channel
Kim is beautiful and youtuber is beautiful
hi im one of your BIGGEST fans you r amazing
Aww I didn't make it to 60 seconds
Bri you are my fav youtuber
The guard that hit bri to go in her sell in the beginning of the vid the guard just got burned🤣😂🤣😂🤣 bri😎
It's LeviOsa not LeviosaR.
Harry Potter always makes my day better and that is why I am a Pottehead!
why did briana and noob1234 get in prison
bri can you make a part 2 pls
brananananana hahaha that's funny