I survived 100 days in Minecraft Hardcore on an all ocean world and heres what happened…

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

*disclaimer* my dragon fight footage corrupted so i was forced to recreate it in a separate world.

poafa- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7aGfPa1zwL4Bf76HymmfLQ

discord- https://discord.gg/ReqzFKfh

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30 thoughts on “I survived 100 days in Minecraft Hardcore on an all ocean world and heres what happened…”

  1. this vid is so fake bruhhhhhhhhhhhhh his hearts was normal when he was beating the enderdragon like bruhhhhhhhhhh this vid is sooooo fake and how did you get all those diamonds in no time you just got em out of no where bois and girls we got em!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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