I Survived 100 Days in Mega Ultra Hardcore Minecraft… Minecraft Hardcore 100 Days

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In this video, I attempted to survive 100 days in mega ultra hardcore minecraft!

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Inspired by Luke TheNotable: https://www.youtube.com/c/LukeTheNotable

I had three main goals in these first 100 days: Get netherite gear, defeat the ender dragon, and capture Herobrine.

DISCLAIMER: Herobrine was role-played by a friend who pranked me as I tried to survive 100 days in Ultra Hardcore Minecraft. This was to make the challenge a little more harder than normal UHC and hopefully be more entertaining! (Also, it took less than 33 attempts to survive 100 days.)

First Try:


Minecraft hardcore 100 days is the traditional idea, but probably i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft in my own unique way, making it a lot harder than it needed to be.

Minecraft is a great game. Hardcore minecraft is a setting where you only get one life. Ultra hardcore minecraft (or UHC minecraft) is where you get one life and your health only regenerates with certain items. Mega ultra hardcore minecraft is UHC with Herobrine re-added to the game! This video was inspired by luke thenotable 2000 days hardcore minecraft – videos. This is the first 100 days of my mega ultra hardcore minecraft. I survived 100 days in the highest difficulty mode on minecraft or hardcore minecraft or minecraft hardcore 100 days survival or surviving on hardcore minecraft.

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Key words:
I Survived 100 Days in Mega Ultra Hardcore Minecraft… Minecraft Hardcore 100 Days
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i survived 100 days in ultra hardcore minecraft
100 days hardcore minecraft
luke thenotable 2000 days
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