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I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore!
MODPACK: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/medieval-mc-mmc4
♓SHOP: https://suev.shop/
🎮 Discord Server: https://discord.gg/z7Zwdc9
Music provided by Epidemic Sound
Click here for a free trial! https://share.epidemicsound.com/gnetzl
▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/suevreal
▶ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suevreal
▶ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/suevreal
Enjoy this Medieval adventure everyone! 🙂
this guy is the best 100 days creator😎😎
100 days never feels like long enough. I've watched others do up to 1,000. I'd watch a 1,000 days playthrough from you, but I'd settle for 200 or 300 if you get bored with a given mod-pack too quickly.
HI Suev I love your vids
Gods I remember when the mutant mobs mod came out and it was the most OP garbage ever, every mob had some overpowered ability and they were basically impossible to kill unless they were in a modpack with very strong items in.
Hey Suev how did you configure your key bindings for this mod pack? I wanted to try the mod pack cause it looked fun but I can’t even use a lot of the cool features because the key bindings are all messed up and they all conflict with each other. Any ideas or ways to help that? Also love the videos man. Keep it up!
Been waiting so long for a new vid 🥹
You shoul do a series on wynncraft, it could be really cool to see
May god bless you all❤❤
A lot of bosses i that modpack are based on Greek mythology, I suggest you check it out
Which version of this modpack were you playing?
Bro i have OCD and all of those red things on the eyes and the quest thingies made me really annoyed but i still watch it to the end😁🥲
Knowledge of the ages is actually pretty busted and can really help with the exp grind
seuv if I were to make you a modpack I've been putting together for a while now would you make a video on it? btw love your vids and been watching since better minecraft part 3
call me suev the way i survive a hundred days with these hardcore hoes
Suev’s upload schedule makes me believe he actually survived 100 real life days in this video 💀
Can u do better than wolf mod pls suev🥺🥺
At 2:14:40, when you said, "That should be enough ender pearls for the gateway, wouldn't you just have used your teleportation ability…?
Atm 9 sky
U need to do multiple 100 day series with big mod packs like these so you and us can get the full experience of the mods, for example this one do like 500-1000 day series
Mr.Suev I cant find the mod that shows the info aanout the block you look can you tell which one is it please!
200 days please
I LOVE meat i can live without meat, BEATING cows to death MY hand get kinda sore but i get MEAT.
now look at capital words
The editing of this video is just perfect. Love the seperated caption and basically love your videos! Can't wait for the next
What’s the name of the mod pack
bro sounds like stevies (rust yt) brother
Baked potato is on of the best food sources, change my mind
This is why I love watching suev so much your videos are so fire
I’m just so happy this dude is being himself his vids are awesome and they always make my day thank you