I Survived 100 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft [UNCUT FULL MOVIE]

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100 Days in 1.20 Minecraft: https://youtu.be/eCP0Bm796lw

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In this Minecraft video I survive 100 Days of Minecraft Hardcore, and show you every single thing that happens, with no cuts!

100 Days Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTa_zCPAj5TKJ9ocpDNNpNqN

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JAVA IP: play.penguin.gg
BEDROCK IP: bedrock.penguin.gg Port: 19132

Tutorials Used:
Enderman XP Farm: https://youtu.be/zgFMPbPcOQ0

Seed: -1803747339124250441


50 thoughts on “I Survived 100 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft [UNCUT FULL MOVIE]”

  1. I always like trying new things and giving myself new challenges that noone else is crazy enough to attempt haha, so hopefully you enjoy this one!
    (It's a great video to leave running in the background whilst doing other stuff :D)

  2. I think SB, if you did something like this again it would be nice to have more variety in the background music instead of the same songs over and over and over. Just a thought

  3. I've been watching since yesterday with breaks but I did finish it! I also screamed at the TV when you were sniffer hunting in the cold ocean 😂😂 I'm glad you finally got some though!! Loved the video and glad I watched it all! ❤

  4. SB… the mansion has rooms where you have to go in the room and there’s a ladder to a balcony that’s above the door. You never walked in the rooms to see if there was balcony…

    And the sniffer is located in warm ocean ruins, not cold… it’s killing me watching you look for it! Lol

  5. Funny Moments I encountered whilst watching. (Still Watching)

    27:47 When I stopped drinking my water from my bottle it made the PERFECT sound that fit with the incorrect craft of the iron axe
    37:21 Perfectly timed a soundboard effect with him getting thrown by the hoglin


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