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100 Days in an amplified nether ➡ https://youtu.be/duplRGJtN8g
In todays video, ill be attempting to survived 100 days of minecraft hardcore in an upside down world, which means my gravity is flipped. this challenge was insane and it was very difficult so if you enjoyed the video make sure to smash that like button to let me know! #100days #minecraft #minecrafthardcore
Thanks to @Luke TheNotable for the original idea!
If you enjoyed this video, you’d definitely enjoy these!
100 Days In A Void Only World ➡ https://youtu.be/MGLBFgNNYaI
100 Days On A Spaceship ➡ https://youtu.be/vhFV2VNQE-E
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Happy new year to everyone! and just to celebrate this new year I figured id drop this spicy video, ive been working on this for a while (reason why there hasn't been any 100 days videos) But if you enjoyed this, smash that like button to let me know and I hope this starts your 2022 off on a good note! ❤
The video was impressive but I can’t stop thinking that he spawned under a tree first try
I really sat here with a brain-ache for an hour, but anything for that PaulGG-grind I guess
Fall into the sun
what happens when you ride a horse or a pig?
I watched this upside down.
I was going crazy lol
He named the whole World dinnerbone
Naming a world "Dinnerbone" be like:
Australian Skyblock
Over 22 hours of this, How
Edit: After watching it, i watched it again but upside down and its very weird
You should do 100 day legend mod
Alternate title: I survived 100 days in Australia
Idk why I am still watching despite it geting some of my braincells and also hurting my brain
POV you flipped your screen to watch this 👁 👄 👁
Is it possible to take a tour of this world right way up?? I kinda want to see how it looks from the right way up
Please show the world as you would see it normally at the end of the video, i really wanna see it
My brain!!!!!!!😫 Title should have been Minecraft but it's dinnerbone lol
I would be interested in a small vid of what this looks like from a normal perspective
This is a Dinnerbone world
Please continue the world!!!
I watching this upside down
10 seconds in and I think he should use a demogorgon skin
ummm…. you need 12 obsidian for a nether portal
Are a 200 day video and name a animal dinnerbone
Show us what it looks like normal. And on your hardcore series can you name a sheep Ben please.
This concept is my #1 fear in life. Whenever I'm flat on the ground and I look at the sky, I have this terrifying feeling that I'm gonna fall into the sky. It's worse when I'm lying down and it's a clear night.
Watching this made my anxiety go way up. Omg..
Damn! This hurts my brain!
u said u would show us right side up
Watch it upside down it’s even more of a brain fart 🤣 nah but fr love Paul’s videos he always make them spiccyyyyy videossss🔥🤩