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Minecraft Hardcore Mode is tough, and if you’ve watched my RLCraft series you’ll know I’m not the best at Minecraft. But… I Spent 100 Days on a Deserted Island in Minecraft and Here’s What Happened ! The original idea for this video came from Luke TheNotable, who graciously gave me permission to do this. So check him out!
Phasmophobia Video:
Original Idea STOLEN from Luke TheNotable:
Mods Used (1.12.2):
Base Metals
Base Minerals
Better Foliage
Biomes O’ Plenty
Custom Mob Spawner
Fossils and Archeology Revival (I used this later on, after Day 30)
JurassiCraft (Day 1 – 30)
Just Enough Items (JEI)
MMD OreSpawn
Optifine for Modpacks
Potion Core
Prehistoric Spawns- A Fossils and Archeology Revival add-on
Shadowfacts’ Forgelin
So Many Enchantments
Spartan Shields
Spartan Weaponry
Thicc Entities
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Welcome to Forge Labs! I review video games and discuss video game industry things. On the channel I post gameplay experience reviews, video essays, and satirical pieces that I hope you find entertaining. Enjoy!
#Minecraft #HardcoreMinecraft #100Days
I TRIED to Survive VR Hardcore Minecraft For 100 Days And This Is What Happened
Video Includes:
Hardcore Minecraft VR Gameplay
Hardcore Minecraft VR Guide
Hardcore Minecraft VR Episode 1
Hardcore Minecraft VR Lets Play
Hardcore Minecraft VR
Hardcore Minecraft VR 100 Days
Forge Labs
Edited By WiseFish:
My mans! I’m very sorry about the out of sync audio – it only seems to be bad in the first few clips then gets better. I will totally fix it for the next video! I am very sorry!!
Ok my idol plz the next video can you shot out me pls i am allways subscribe if very video
Wow you are so good at the game.
Forge should spend another 100 days not in Jurassic Park, but in Zombie Apocalypse mod.
Im baffled that he played Minecraft for a year without knowing how to make a infinite water source
Why you put ice age dinosaurs those are tarror bird mastodon
You need to be close to the sugar cane so it will grow #protip
I like that idea on day 83 it was cool
i kinda want to see 100 days in ark now
what is the name of the shaders? i want them
This is like ark on Minecraft
Those are tarror birds and those are ice age dinosaurs not regularly dinosaurs dum
I legit became a patreon just for this map BC I am so down to play it with my mates
57:45 he aint called the king for no reason lol
Love your vids
Forge Labs they are those size your thinking about mico raptor
wow your a very brave man in day 83 what a brave guy lol
smort decision on day 83 to you know – cheat.
who said anything about cheating? I didn't stop imagining things
What a brave decision on day 83
Anyone else’s audio de-synced?
on day 55 when you fell you could’ve done a mlg ladder😂
Hes so angry when his dodo bird died
The delopasaur can shoot venom so I bet you good luck
The at for mention beast is a ducking dodo literally
Wow how brave of guy Sean was on day 83.. Truly inspirational
he missed the opportunity to call it the Forge Laboratory
That beast on day 37 was what’s called a terror bird
Wow it was very Brave of you on day 83,you’re a very brave guy
Man's milking this more than anyone
Bruuh so cool
day 55 I went up the ladder and almost fell to my death
me disappionted of him not doing the ladder clutch
it got me emotional when he died because i cant beleive how much he has done and coudnt play again sorry
Forge lab: you can't never control Jurassic Park
Me: wise words from a wise man
if you liked the jurrasic ark you should try Ark Survival Evolved
Does anyone know What shader this Man is using?
Minecraft ark am I right?
I actually did not know that velociraptors were tiny
idk, I feel like he's experienced, but he does not know how to make obi with lava and water, and did not know how to make inf water so im a lil confused, because i watched his RLcraft series (which was really good, you guys should watch if if you havent)
Your so brave. 👏
the spino didn't eat the baby a meganeura killed it
The moment he died on day 100 I was literally thinking about how pathetic it would be to die in the last day.. And so he did 😀
There were so many velociraptors
nether portal? fossils are also in the nether
#spoilers the sugar cane didnt grow….
haha gotchu
Can u pls play ark