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►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as a SNAKE in Minecraft
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i love it they play empires of the undergrowth and clean
Reject hooman return to snek
I love snakes
Always bugged me how you get string if you shear them then turn the cobwebs into string in your inventory you get 9 string for every cobweb
it is really cool but can we have more farm videos i miss them 🙁
same I like snakes too
Its a warbat its a flying snake its super snake
30:6 was that the nyan cat music
Started out a tiny noodle, became God Noodle
1,0000000000000000000000000000000 I'm giggle witch
What happens if they do catch you
i also love snake very much!!
I think it was a trap from the hunters if you didn’t leave quickly, they could’ve killed you I think
I think the hunter should have some kind of abilities or guns to be able to do some damege to you and make it harder for you to survive. But good video 🙂
Me toooooo99
The Music disk in the back ground while serching Real Made it a vibe
I love snakes too
i Love you
Snake op in the chat! Please 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
where do i get these mods/datapacks ????
Id like to say this, flying snakes don't fly, but glide
I have now solved it , the only reason. Ryan's bases are found is because they either stick out or his nether portal makes so much noise to give him away
we need 100 days as a dinosaur aka tyrannsaurus rex
what mod
Can u pls make a vid of 100 days as a Yoshi
Bro gets youtube commenting on his vids when theyre fake
Does This Look Like Snake? 🤷♂🤷♂🤷♂🤷♂
I have Snake😂
My brother has 3 snake and one of them and the flying snake 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 is in my Dreams
Day 15 of asking for Surviving 100 days as Unicornmann_.
I do believe that the first map you found in the sunken ship was just that.. a "undrawn" map and not a treasure map. But great work on the videos… I have to ask is there a set of rules you guys hold to? A lot of the things you guys are doing seems to follow a pattern. Like you are not planning for future evolutions or the "Lets go back to are base…. OH GOD!! Pssssssss!! BOOM!" base destructions.
Maybe you should make 100 days as huggy wuggy
At 40:20 he forgot abut burrow.
The jungle reminds me of the stranded series he did if anyone remembers
Ryguyrocky, can you please do another 100 days farm with Unicornman
I love snakes they’re one of my favorite animals! I have a cornsnake at home
Pls can you do a chainsaw man pls pls pls and i already subscribe to your YouTube channel pls you are my favourite Minecraft player
1st comment I’ve done asking for this: Ryan please bring back Star Wars role play! You left it on episode 23 with no finale or anything. Please bring it back!!
Can 100 days as an upper moon demon from demon slayer
You should try to survive as 100 days as Freddy Fazbear
From fnaf
I don’t understand how the hunters don’t see you cuz they have name tags on!!!
I love snakez too:)
Ngl, this series becomes so repetitive like a cycle repeating each series and when u build base u will eventually get found by the hunter, so why bother? Then u build for 2-3 days, then it gets found again, and hunters are not-so-smart that they are more like a mob not a player, it's hard to believe that it's not scripted, making this series not enjoyable overtime, all you do is post-get money-then record repeat. I recommend you doing a 100 player becoming mobs and hunter without the elements above it might become enjoyable,
Like if u guys agree, that's it becoming tiring watching him doing things repetitively
I see it's for the views, understandable and disappointing cuz ever since u guys did this series u get million of views and the pattern is still there unchanging
İ loved the fact that the middle ancient city chest spawened with only god apple at the very middel slot