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Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Diamond Worm! I had to save Minecraft from the evil goblin miners all led by Welt! Will I be strong enough to defeat them? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!
Looks almost the same as Ryguyrocky's thumbnail
4 hours ago 😅
Hi fozo😊❤
Elemental worm please?
You can’t treat yourself like that your YouTube picture you can do it OK😊😊
Anubis? Nah, pharaoh
Can you do a warden octopus plz
Did I heard bozo or fozo?
The duck is fozos pic
El goblino
Who agrees Fozo is underrated?
Keep up the great job 🎉🎉🎉
Wow that ghost is so dramatic i mean he is already dead
Deine Videos sind so unterhaltsam, dass ich das Gefühl habe, ich könnte sie ewig ansehen!
Shaneplays is fozo
They have the same voice
There are two fozos
Maybe A 1000 days in VHS sans??
Wait i never knew he was a duck
Y is the Fox Eyes gods Eyes 🤔🤨😟🙀
I know he saved many lives, but wouldn't it have been a smarter idea for Fozo to wish for both his brother and Welt's as well to be brought back to life? This might've made Welt realize how wrong he was and that not all underground creatures are bad. He might've ended his act of genocide with his brother back at his side. It might not have worked, but Fozo basically did what the bad guy wanted to do. The way I see it, that makes him just as bad as Welt.
This is the best video ever
they look like ledgend of zelda enemy bokoblins moblins and lynels
bro the fact that when he wishes he would wish for mor wishes
Page just letting you know the smaller goblin at like around the start of the video is actually called a boco
100 days in Minecraft Scp 999
100 days in Minecraft scp 999
bro foo is in minecraft
also fozo talk about the merchandise
Diamond worm
Somhow the spider found out fozo’s name even though fozo didn’t tell web since when he was going to tell web he was cut of my a bad singing voice.
10:42 if you click it really fast, it’s kinda cool
Under. 50 days gang
It’s the goblin from legend of Zelda
Imagine if he had a bokoblin mask from the game which is used to trick bokoblins into thinking your one of them and they will just follow you without attacking and they will attack if you take off the mask or attack one of them, the bokoblin mask does not trick moblins but you will be able to trick moblins and bokoblins if are wearing majora mask which is achieved beating 6 lynals in a row in TOTK, honestly, I may come back to playing Zelda ngl, and maybe grind a lot for big progression.
Day 1 asking to play Roblox
Bro ran out of video ideas
1 like for 1 push-up😊😊
FOZO can you do 100 days as a elemental KingKong please
Can u just give it back
Like this wouldn’t happen if u did not take it
Tbh its for a story so i would say that in real life but yea