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I accidentally summoned Herobrine and all of his friends… (Minecraft: From The Fog #6)
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Wisp is such a legend
What’s that song called which u kept playing at 14:24
You should use iron doors with buttons so nothing breaks it and make reinforced glass so nothing can get in
Name the horse jagster
call the horse shadowfax from LotR
Vote for part 7
Let’s get part 7!!!
The shader😂
47:32 did he just say Bismillah? 😂😂 that’s the horse’s name. Like so he sees this so he can name it that. Mashallah brother Kit
In 28:12 you can slightly see the entity 303 🤯🤯🤯
what did the two moons mean
Mate you need to empty out your inventory before you go explore because if you can find some enchanted gear from chests you can use those enchanted gear on a grind stone and you can get some easy xp.
do the vch tape man from the fog fight
Aint no way this bro still has that scary picture frame in his base. Bro take it off
change your door with iron door
Is it possible to find this modpack anywhere? I'd like to __ myself
bro u can add siren head
17:37 thats what she said
Doe mops in a boat
Translate this dat huisje waar je die kast plet kocht zit ijzeren bloken
Everyone else gets in there house when something spawn
Wisp: opens the door to let them in
The white guy thats appearing is entity 303
In from the fog there is herobrine ,entity 303, goat man, cavedweller,weird bats and possesed mobs is all i,ve seen. I have not been watching your channel much
47:32 bro really said bismallah
Bro in this video Entity 303 and Herobrine were just constantly attacking you and also maybe you could name the horse Buddy because you call him that a lot
Can u plss name the horse after me and love yr work btw keep it up
Wisp plz read this comment i think u should add a youtubeer to the seirs if u want to add any1 add clownpeirs or mini or eystreem
That alex is alex brine wisp be careful its cinda dengers
what if the white guy 54:36 is just an illusion maby
Anyone know how to download the mod pack on curseforge? What is the name😊
You've played in a custom event and died(am i right nobody knows)
I wonder where is slendrina
So wisp this episode was really good though but it took u so much time to upload ep 6 I liked it the one thing that is not making any sense is that is really herobrine that easy to die can u please keep us updated with this hardcore world and I think 🤔 this the best of the 5 episodes so all the best and don't stop ❤
Hey wisp if you want to fight the man from the fog make sure that you have good stuff cause your gonna need it
5:20 the villager looked like he was so hungry his jaw is almost on the floor
Tip for geting emeralds:get clay in the lush cave or river,in lush cave just break 16 blocks of clay and you get a stack,then you hire the viliger with stone cuter and from 1 stack you get 13 emeralds ,so feom 16 blocks you get 13 emeralds,if you get full inventory you get more then 4 stacks of emeralds👍
hey wisp for part 7 and more minecraft creepypastas
i love wathcing this right before bded adn then being paranoid