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Today starting from scratch, I see if it’s possible to build a mega base in just 100 days.. Leave a like and subscribe if you’re new
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Him: becose I like animals
Me: tell that to those poor horses
awesome im subsribed now but can you pls talk a litle bit slower
s i u n b s c i b r e
that is a mega base the biggest base i build is a 5 by 5 box
Blaze rod rates are 50%. The fact it took you 8 blazes to get 1 rod is insanity
Joel: this isn’t as mega as my other builds
Any1 Else:(Standing in a small house) here is my mega base
200 DAYS!!!!!!!
I am speechless
Me on day 24: looking for more iron to complete my armour and maybe some diamonds
Joel on day 24: made a super-smelter, has full diamond tools, killed the end dragon
Can you do 100 days living in an ice spikes biome? I’d be interested to see what you can build
do a 100 days creative video
When the dream music kicks in dream speed run music
Love the Custom Trees! Great job Joel!
Reminds me of Hogwarts
JOEL: tames a dog and jumps up and down with a sword in his hand.
ME: hides under the bed and calls the vegan teacher.
He really made a stop on day 69 sry I’m so immature
It's a great build, but I swear to God if you don't start decorating the inside of your builds, I'm gonna have to intervene.
A sandbox game such as minecraft is very much a square block game and other things but this game is honestly addicting although i cant buy it yet as in this situation but i love this video and keep up the good work
Fences! Fences! Fix the Fences! Fences have rights too! ok I am done now. Ow0
18:59 I thought Joel was gonna kill him
You should do a part two, doing the interior
Wait there’s a day 0 ?????
Have Lizzie decorate this base!
Wait hold up did he just said that he like animals….(14:05 the time he said he likes animals)
joel: and this here is a baseic layout
me: he he BASEic
what seed is he in?
Theres is definitely an interiour.
200days interior?