I PRANKED My FRIENDS With A Minecraft SOUND PACK.. | Minecraft Top Comment

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friends in the video:
Lizzie – https://www.youtube.com/@ldshadowlady
Joel – https://www.youtube.com/@SmallishBeans
Scott – https://www.youtube.com/@Dangthatsalongname

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32 thoughts on “I PRANKED My FRIENDS With A Minecraft SOUND PACK.. | Minecraft Top Comment”

  1. You should invite them to a server and tell each of them to build a house and spawn lots of something and see if they would notice (example: chickens, cats, creepers, e.c.t)🎉

  2. Change your skin to the point where it’s noticeable but not too noticeable, and gaslight them into thinking it’s always been like that. You could even distract them with a spot the difference game or something but the real difference is your skin

  3. Invite a few friends to a game of taskmaster but will there doing it your invisible and secretly trying to prank to them with out them knowing it the challenge ends if they find out that it’s a prank

  4. Make them play a game like among us (a game that needs deception and lying) and make some of them act a different personality or you make all of them do that and you loose by loosing the game or not following the personality they have been assigned to.


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