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Today,, Mikey’s off to slay the Ender Dragon all on his own! How exciting! Beating the Ender Dragon alone can be tricky though, so I’m going to disguise myself and help him out any way I can. I hope he doesn’t catch me!
We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day!
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Have a seedrun to beat the enderdragon with no gold
Why mikey is noob
My channel name is xpert gamer 45
Mr beast are you giveing I phones
8:55 aww Mikey is so nice JJ
lol 😂
It was all JJ
You are doing great😎
Hi 👋🏼
We'll Your Videos Are Extravagent And Which Video Will You Upload Next Time !
But For Sure I Don't Like JJ Dying In Minecraft And Even Mikey
Mikey's Voice Is Soo Sweet And Cute
And JJ Is Soo Clever,Smart And Intelligent
I added uk on RobIox I love you
I want to join your chanld
0 oro
You are not Mr beast
Km m
X3 yay jj & Mikey!!!!!!!!
You two are my favorite yutubers
I love you guys
Can we appreciate how much time content creators put in for us❤️😀
Plzzz new vid
why do they both say lapis lazuli wrong?
Also, I like how Mikey said 21 blocks, but diamonds aren't blocks.
Good job JJ your Video is very cool🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
I can’t believe that Mikey got pranked poor turtle I feel bad so bad JJ rabbit wow I’m going to do that I’m going to be a bee
My baby is in the hospital he has a cold 🥶
What is the real game?
I love 💗 this video
JJ is very cool
that not how you prank you posted to be not help him I want you make Mikey lose or else everyone un subcribe you and hate ):(