I Oversimplified Famous Minecraft Skins

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

Companies have been Oversimplifying their logos for years, now I’m doing it to famous Minecraft skins, like Steve, @ThatMumboJumbo, Herobrine, @dream, Alex, @sandiction, and many more!

Download the oversimplified skins here:

If you would like to see me do this again, who should I oversimplify next? Let me know in the comments!

If you read this far into the description of this video you deserve a star:

Love ya!


23 thoughts on “I Oversimplified Famous Minecraft Skins”

  1. FIRST!
    Thanks for watching!
    Let me know who your favorite Minecraft Youtubers are so I can ruin their skin too! If you end up liking this video I may do it again…
    (Link to download all of the oversimplified skins in the description if you want them)

  2. While watching the video you seemed like someone with at least 200k subscribers so you can imagine my surprise when I saw you only have 30k. Underrated.

  3. the only problem with this is that most of the skins used are already oversimplified, like Sandiction, Luke TheNotable, Kolanii and dream but you did do different things to them 👍

    Sad to see Stampy didn't make the cut but very funny and great editing!


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