I made a SECRET Minecraft ICE SPIKE base.. (Hide Or Hunt)

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in todays Minecraft video here on Minecraft Hide Or Hunt I made a SECRET Minecraft ICE SPIKE base.. 20 Minecraft Hunters are out searching for this base but if they don’t search in the ICE it won’t be found.. this is going to be super difficult making a ice base but it might be worth it!

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Edited by Ben The EDITOR


42 thoughts on “I made a SECRET Minecraft ICE SPIKE base.. (Hide Or Hunt)”

  1. Any kind of consumable is as fast as anything else to eat.
    Potions = Food in eat/drinking speed
    The only exceptions are splash potions, cake, and cooked kelp, splash potions go splash, cake goes eat eat eat, cooked kelp is twice as fast as any other food item.

  2. You can use scutes to craft a helmet that grants water breathing for 10 seconds every time you go underwater, or you can brew potions with resistance 3 and slowness 2, which is called Potion of the Turtle Master.
    You can get more scutes by making turtles repopulate and let the baby turtles grow up.


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