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look at the display resolution it's 1268×779
I love your vids
Your the best
Let’s get pewds to take a recorder lesson
Can someone tell Felix PFFFFTTT wants to go back to his nest? Get this man a silk touch pickaxe and a campfire so he can move PFFFFTTT's nest into his dirt house.
Edit: Or make a bee nest…
I'm going through finals rn and this series is the light of my week 🙂
In the nether from the trees the old Viking
Wait y’all know you can’t see your cords on hardcore right?
when is the next video cant wait for it
you need shear to get the bee nest
I'm american and I fell asleep on play and I woke up in legit fear when he said tree Vikings
Pewds., you need to make pffffft a bee hive
Any school or collage students here 😂❤️❤️
i cant stop laughing
Can someone tell him if he gets silk touch and moves it's hive into his house BFFFT will stop trying to leave?
play. 1.17. snapshot.
If bppppf dies and felix is all alone he’ll do bunny move 11:43
i feel like pewds will make a wall made out of furnace in his house at some point
Pewdiepie i just got an idea make your house like tony starks cliff side mansion
I think PFFTT Will soon try to commite suicide so you should take the lava away for hos oen safety
Others:Imma find a fortress
If u are that good at minecraft beat Dream
I Suggest You Need Gold Armor For Friendly
Pewds build bhhph a beehive
Gotta love how this man found diamonds, built an enchanting table, and went to the nether… but still doesn't have a bed
Pewds: I don't have any friends
Me: you're killing everyone including the cows and rabbits
I am Indian
Make a bee hive for brffzfzfz
hey pewds, if you get a lead, and a fence, you can tie pffftb up so he stays
pewde taking hours trying to get pffft into the house is just so funny
"Dont judge my gpu"
*has a 2080ti
"If pfft dies, its over"
He also said the same thing about Sven.
You know pewdiepie good when he gets diamond before bed
If pfft dies its over but what happen if pfft kill you cuz you accidentally hit him
Hey pewds, why dont you make a glass tank for BFFFFFFFF ?
So BFFFFFFFFFF doesnt have to live in your house