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I made a GIANT Axolotl Farm in Hardcore Minecraft on the brand new 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update on Minecraft! This is my Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play Series Episode 2!
🔥 Watch the entire series starting with Ep. #1:
This is #2 episode of my Vanilla Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play Series and I am playing on the new 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update on Minecraft! Welcome to Episode 2 – this is going to be an insane Minecraft Hardcore series! This episode I went on the hunt for the new 1.17 mobs – the goat and the axolotls. I also made them a giant farm! (wasn’t so giant but I don’t have a lot of resources okay D:)
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》Video Inspiration @WadZee
》Minecraft 1.17 Update: Caves & Cliffs
》Email for business enquiries only: [email protected]
Thank you so much for watching this video and supporting me as a content creator! It has always been my childhood dream to entertain millions and to create an amazing community of people. Support me more by watching my other videos! Cookie Army! 🍪❤️
#minecraft #hardcoreminecraft #cavesandcliffsupdate
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Ep #1: https://youtu.be/dcXjLUMrnv0
Most recent video: https://youtu.be/MYoapd3dxnw
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i ate donut
Stop, I'm eating (He was talking about vomit)
Name for a yellow axolottl Bob Mc bobington
You have to go on the edge of a cliff so the goats can ram Into you
Bro you need like 1200 breeds to get blue axelotel. Plz dont comment dont like dont heart my comment bc my mom will be mad TwT
OG moments-
Oh look there’s PaulGG- one block
You can use the shell for a conduit to breathe under water but you need a heart of the sea and nine shells
With glow ink sacs u can make a sign 🪧 glow and item frames
The blue axolot ( I don’t know how to spell )
was cyan cus blue ones have orange feet
Can you call on of them Matic
Cookie: imma make a mob grinder- not this episode tho
right right riiiiiighhhhht
Nautilus shells can be made into a conduit
8 shells and a heart of a sea (from treasure chests from treasure maps
shell shell shell
shell conduit shell
shell shell shell
that aint just vomit thats vomited B E A N S
Axolots can live on land cookie
Do pixlemon
Turn all the raw iron into raw iron blocks and smelt the blocks and it will go much faster
I found the blue axlotl beneath a a mansion with stronghold and mineshaft with god apple
A name for the axol lottle is .▪︎~☆kuga☆~▪︎.
It was not ugly it was cute –
Can you do part 3 please
That’s the gold not yellow
Here at 420k views
20:10 you have food ur hay bales
Do you realy way 400 pounds ?
name them deez
u need water in your bucket to get a fish or axolotl in your bucket
name for axolotl:
blue boy
blue girl
pink boy
pink girl
yellow …
brown …
cyan …
water boy xd
Mc and Cheese