Hit the like button if you enjoy watching this. Make sure you subscribe. Always be happy guys !โ ============================= This is just showing the โฆ
I have a idea make a trybaphobia meme once mcsm final season comes out or before then ^^ that would be a good vid or make whatever u want u dont have to do. Y idea but that would be cool if u did my idea. ^w^
You know, it's amazing to see that you're still one of the last remaining surviving loyal fans to MCSM ever since it shut down more than a year ago. Salute to you! ๐
Radar: Yes! It's so fun! Flexing those brain muscles, taking your mind off the incredible misery in the world crushing down on you every– I mean… uh… oh, look at that.
Radar go save the turtles!
Pastel needs milk
I have a idea make a trybaphobia meme once mcsm final season comes out or before then ^^ that would be a good vid or make whatever u want u dont have to do. Y idea but that would be cool if u did my idea. ^w^
Radar has a pet turtle
lol radar like turtles xD
Thanks Mojang for adding the turtle!
2 questions.
What happened to your second channel?
Where did the community posts go?
Omg your final season series will be awesome! Yay you're the best ever!
Awesome and ice bear in the background
Lol This Is Funny
But He Likes Rabbits
i like ur vids
Hey Blue GIRL GUESS WHAT I create MCSM on my Mii Maker
This comment contains..Stampy and Stacy from my comment in the previous video!
i like turtles
Hahaha thats funny
Can you do ticking meme or opinion or idk maybe h.a.y meme
Happy birthday Bluegirl
I like trains
Use mineamator to recreate Minecraft Mini Series.
OwO whatโs this? mcsm?
Story mode minecraft plz ๐๐ I love your Chanel ๐
I don't know if it's just happening to me but, the links that go to the wikia pages aren't working for me. It's saying "this wiki has been closed"
You know, it's amazing to see that you're still one of the last remaining surviving loyal fans to MCSM ever since it shut down more than a year ago. Salute to you! ๐
when will video come out?
Meme idea : do when mama isnt home but its when jesse isn't home with radr and ummmm petra I guess….? XD
Not Even Stella:
Radar: Yes! It's so fun! Flexing those brain muscles, taking your mind off the incredible misery in the world crushing down on you every– I mean… uh… oh, look at that.
Is it just me or do they look alike
This is for we bare bears