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I Had an Underwater Minecraft Date with PrestonPlayz! with BriannaPlayz 👊
👕 MERCH – https://royallyb.com
🡆 Preston – http://bit.ly/PrestonMinecraft
🡆 Instagram – https://instagram.com/briarsement
🡆 Twitter – https://twitter.com/BriArsement
🡆 BriannaShorts – https://bit.ly/2VFB6Jv
🎮 Join my Fan Discord!
🡆 http://discord.gg/Preston
MrBeast – I Walked Across The Earth!
Aphmau – Using TIME TRAVEL To Help My Friends In Minecraft!
TommyInnit – Minecraft’s Lava Ravine Mod is actually funny…
Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound
Click here for a free trial! 🡆 http://share.epidemicsound.com/TBNR
I know am I be hard for you bri But order for your cat To love you You have to leave her alone😔 But it works😀
OMG HI BRI!!!!!! IM SO HAPPY ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!! well feb,28 🙂
by tha way my Brother's Name is JASON
I like spongebob squarepants the krusty krab
Do not name Jason si Aphmau wife
When i see Bri's video posted I go straight to see the video then there is already 1.1k comments
Also when the whale came i got a jump scare lol
Bri can you make a royally b shirt for kids because I have a 7 year old kid please and forgot to mention that you are my biggest fan and when preston answered yes Brianna I lol for hours and replayed and Brianna and preston the next time you need to do the date in different places so you can see and discover different things like the nether and end or sky and moon
Brianna preston has a lot of secrets
BRI tell Preston to see,attack on titan
Pls pls pls play pls 😊😊😊😊🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
wow in real life takoyaki is yummy
I have a dog nemo but he died by a car hit
bri and preston i'm a big fan of yours
I also see Naruto
Idk if I am hungry or the squid nausea
he does look like sasuke x3
Bri you are so cute and funny and preston is cool and funny
Baby shark doodoo muma shark doodoo dada shark doodoo
I am late:(
9 hours late:(
Charles is from henry stick min and he's my best friend hes the best
Hi I am love your vids
Noooo I'm 8 hours late:(
8:57 🤣🤣🤣🤣
PB and j or PV an J
An I am from England I am guessing it s a American thing so what is it?
Me when I see the whale: got so shocked* 😱😱
the whale rlly scared me in the beginning 🤣
Also I have been wanting this change for 2 years and still dont know what TBNR stands for
Plz help
Love your vids ❤️ there so funny
Best ever
Preston you like sea or Brianna come on Preston