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My friend told me these items were impossible to get, so I obtained them in survival Minecraft…
spoke being silly: https://twitter.com/spokeishere
spoke talking: https://discord.gg/rvkqzncuGJ
Credit to @Rays Works for the crazy tricks and glitches he discovered!
Raid Farm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gcWlWTuTj8
Chestplate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziHoBfdZIqw
Arrows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYONd8gg0O0
Crossbow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqmeSrJJDVM
Bottles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE7xO3eoH8M
Chris Christodoulou
thanks @Parrot for putting me up to this
A Minecraft video made by Spoke or SpokeIsHere on other platforms! Enjoy!
follow and I will upload again: https://twitter.com/spokeishere
POV every spoke vid ever “I got this many tnt 385630264902759 to the power of x subscribe”
the chestplate wouldn't have despawned anyways because its in a different dimension
Bro just casually said ''after a bit of duping lol
g l a s
Spoke is cool
Spoke: "It only works on 1.16"
Also Spoke highlighting that the farm works on 1.15-1.19
These Videos are just great!
What does the arowwe do
13:30 127
Him: 172
'the nether update never happened " bro just version travelled lol
gg bro
/seed is a command you can use without cheats so it's technically allowed
8:07 wait whattt:?
One of the best videos I've seen in a while
U cheated
its 1.14
Spoke what thing did you use for the building the raid farm????? I want to use it???
This is exactly the minecraft content youtube should have! Some jokes, not too many. No clickbait, no screaming into the camera, and legit content!
I love how scripted it is 😂
2:06 1.14 snapshot
@Spoke What mod/client is that? 1:16
I have Thorns on my diamond sword XD
yo new video
8:05 i love how it says how to download super hacks in the search tab
i love that he used the legacy version minigame music
i noticed something very weird about minecraft bedrock or nintendo switch edition
i was fishing in a small lil pool
then i suddenly fished a bow with mending enchantment
the chestplate was unloaded so it should not despawn
Of course your items didn’t despawn, the chunks were in the nether and unloaded
at 13:39 you said 127 but the bedrock number said 172, so I'm confused
love the yearly upload (: keep up the good work!!!
i wonder if it could have been faster to go back some versions and find skeleton horsemen with the glitched armor
Absolute banger
the neather unloads so it makes a copy of any thing droped until you leave the world or change to a different snapshot
how did u get 2^32 bottoles
6:31 This takes me back.
actually the bottles is possible you need to be on a certain version of the game where it has bundles and has a glitch where if you take out the item the Crafting with a bundle it will double the amount of items that you get from the crafting so theoretically it might be possible and it can go infinitely
How u get minecraft on GeForce now
8:47 why did Lena Raine start playing?
For the glass bottles, just drop tuem out of your inventory and you can provably pick it up again