I found the full list of banned words for Minecraft chat. Get ready to cry.

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

TWITCH: http://www.twitch.tv/phoenixsclive

The full list contains 771 words, including foreign words.
The list: https://yuno.kattschan.xyz/BjflEa/profanity_filter.txt

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41 thoughts on “I found the full list of banned words for Minecraft chat. Get ready to cry.”

  1. you technically need to be over 13 to play or have permission from an adult, so you're either old enough that it doesn't bother you to much or realise that they're saying this stuff on minecraft, they clearly aren't the most mature and get over it, getting banned for swearing is just ridiculous, like they say walk away there's not really a way someone can continually harass you cause there's no friend list so yeah poorly worded rant over.

  2. This is as funny as it is terrible. I wonder how long until Microsoft realize that this isn't going to work out in the long run? Someone needs to launch a petition to scrap this garbage. xD

  3. Wait, so i play with my friends. And i live in indonesia so i speak indonesian. Then i say 'dong' in chat (it's an indonesian words to say 'of course'). And my friends calling my mom to tell that i swears. And i just confused. Why would 'dong' is sensored in MC? What does it mean? Don't mind this comment i noe i'm late 4 days

  4. How will the filter work with server commands? If someone has a name with some of these, even if it's just Nigel, will server ban commands and other things still work or will it not work, essentially making that player unbannable and immune to other commands

  5. So Nigeria is an african country and by forbidding saying this mojang developers agreeing they are rасist. They also forbid to say "Pakistan", what is muslim country so mojang is also islamophobic. SJW mirror lmao.

  6. Microsoft (I won't say Minecraft or Mojang, but Microsoft) can't stop people from insulting each other by banning half the language
    They will always find other normally casual words to use as insults. On anarchy servers they do that despite not having any filters, just to stand out….

  7. This whole chat thing better stay away from Java completely. I’m not only talking about bs like this, I mean the entire chat reporting/censorship system. This would ruin Java completely

  8. Pride is Arrogance, Ignorance, and then Intolerance. Self glorification, egotistical embellishment. Narcissism. It's a Bias. Blind loyalty of one's own making. It's the "Either you think this way, or else" mentality. It's forced obedience. Absolute tyranny

    When we are insulted, shamed, humiliated, etc, the only thing that is taking damage is the Pride of our own making. It's 100% self inflicted. Where there is Weakness and Unintelligence, there will ALWAYS be the forcible suppression of their opposition by any means necessary. They feel naught but the need to protect their's and erryone's Pride

    The definition of Psychopath, is Pride itself. It's the source of all Unfit action. It's what lead to this whole Totalitarian take over of Minecraft


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