I Found FOUR of the RAREST Axolotls in Minecraft Hardcore… (#4)

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

I Found FOUR of the RAREST Axolotls in Minecraft Hardcore on the brand new 1.17 Caves & Cliffs update on Minecraft! This is my Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play Series Episode 4!
πŸ‘• BRAND NEW COOKIE MERCH: https://fanjoy.co/cookie
(I dropped a brand new merch collection yesterday! Go get some before it sells out :D)

πŸ”₯ Watch the entire series starting with Ep. #1:

This is episode #4 of my Vanilla Hardcore Minecraft Lets Play Series and I am playing on the new 1.17 Caves and Cliffs update on Minecraft! Welcome to Episode 4 – this episode I went on the hunt to find the RAREST blue Axolotl in Hardcore Minecraft, I ended up finding four of them which is a 0.08% chance each, and built them a awesome home!

πŸ‘• BRAND NEW COOKIE MERCH: https://fanjoy.co/cookie

πŸ’² PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=33653648

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》Video Inspiration @WadZee
》Minecraft 1.17 Update: Caves & Cliffs (Minecraft Hardcore Mode)
》Email for business enquiries only: [email protected]

Thank you so much for watching this video and supporting me as a content creator! It has always been my childhood dream to entertain millions and to create an amazing community of people. Support me more by watching my other videos! Cookie Army! πŸͺ❀️

#minecraft #hardcoreminecraft #letsplayseries


23 thoughts on “I Found FOUR of the RAREST Axolotls in Minecraft Hardcore… (#4)”

  1. I dropped a BRAND NEW COOKIE MERCH COLLECTION yesterday! It has awesome hoodies, T-shirts, mugs, phone cases, notebooks, and stickers!
    πŸ‘•NEW COOKIE MERCH: fanjoy.co/cookie (get it before it sells out!)
    ⭐Thank you so much to every single one of you guys for supporting me, commenting, and simply watching my videos. I wouldn't be able live my dream and even run my OWN MERCH without you guys so a huge shoutout to everybody watching and reading this! Get yourself some merch and send me some photos, I'll give you a follow on Instagram & Twitter! πŸ”₯


    I love you guys!


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