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I collected every single update in minecraft. This is the 13th episode of my hardcore series. Innit, I collect every major update released from Cave Game to 1.21 Tricky Trials, creating a museum that holds the entire history of minecraft, I guess.
🔥 Watch from EPISODE #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgM0uiCfdzs&t=177s
🍿 My full HARDCORE PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv7M19VHTpB–UId2O88s7CXah8hDAdql
🌳 Nostaglia+ Texture Pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/nostalgia
🌎 World Seed: -3325793643312504701
🐤 » Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheRealAust
💬 » Discord: https://discord.gg/E7UbGrQN9v
📌 Current Sub Count: 454,295
🎵 Music provided by Epidemic Sound 🎵
🔹 https://share.epidemicsound.com/zzxbr7
🎵 Music also provided by Artlist 🎵
🔖 Chapters:
00:00 Intro
01:00 Collecting Updates
54:43 Showcase/Bloopers
🙌 Credit:
Some mini structures inspired by @BlockyBryson
❤️ Series Inspiration:
Loony, NotNotBrock, Ezy, Sandiction
#minecraft #but #hardcore
Hope you enjoyed this one! It took forever. 😅
Link for the Nostalgia+ texture pack I made is in the description.
Quick rant about the audio: If you're noticing inconsistencies in the volume, it's because of YouTube's new "Stable Audio" setting that they enabled for you by default. It dramatically increases the volume in moments where I'm not talking, causing the music and game sounds to be way too loud. There is nothing I can do to fix this, BUT you can disable it for yourself in the video's settings menu to have the viewing experience I intended/created. Gotta love spending hours perfecting your audio just for it to be ruined by some new setting that most viewers don't even know exists. 🤣🤦♂️
Can we just appreciate the editing and the little totem’s facial expressions? I love them so much
Best editing i have seen in a decade 👍👍
The king has blessed us
These are some of the finest montages i've ever seen
usually don’t comment but the editing on this was peak!
FINALLY U UP SOMETHING. deff gonna sleep on this and watch it again for about 2-3 times
He said the word "Terraria" and I'm now personally obligated to press the like button.
Thank you for uploading! i haven’t slept properly in over two months. gonna get some amazing sleep tonight
What you did from 11:46 , matching the Minecraft sounds like fireworks and breaking blocks with the music in the back was super cool
This is a super cool idea! Never seen anyone do this before
It feels like an amazing Minecraft history lesson. Great work!
I think the wild update should've had the chamber in front of you sorta rise out of the ground after the shrieker goes off like a Warden does.
So many things to say about this video, but to summarise, you're a boss!
1. The transitions just get better and better. Love them all.
2. I really appreciated how you highlighted the biomes in (I think it was) the update that changed the world. That must've taken a lot of effort.
3. The video provides a unique perspective of the history of the game and gives you a feel for the thought processes of the developers.
4. The montages are classic Aust, superb quality.
5. The end tour reminded me of a Michel Gondry film. The blooper reel over the tip of it reminded me of the early days of DVDs when we had audio commentary and outtake extras. Loved it.
6. The texture packs. You really didn't have to, but the fact you did is just chef's kiss
I don't care how long it takes until the next @Aust video, it will be worth the wait. No pressure!
I like oh look a wooden button wonders what that does
bro this is definitely my favorite collect video I have ever seen!
My goodness, is he amazing at transitions!
"I mean the sniffer is literally extinct."
This nearly killed me.
My thinking is that the panda's neck is physically too fat for a lead to fit around.
You continue to be the best Minecraft YouTuber on the platform, cudos
uhh,, way to just steal sandictions thumbnails i guess? like the way i got excited and then disappointed seeing this video.. thats real gross.
12.01 Jort storm…
that sheep stuck in a insane asylum lol
46:00 bro just casually has 2 blue axolottlols
The Nether update is one of my favorites, i played pocket edition as my first introduction and… we didn't even have diorite before I quit playing (Hell I don't think we ever got the nether before it was changed to a version of bedrock). I was in college when the nether update was announced and thought. "Hey, I have adult money, I can get minecraft and play for real on my computer!" And it's my favorite, not just because of the scope and how much it expanded but, it got me back into a game I used to enjoy and now still play with my friends as an adult.
1.13 revived Minecraft
NOBODY is putting in the effort per video like Aust is
Bro disappears for months and comes with the most insane challenge ever💀