I Collected 1000 Frogs in Minecraft 1.19 Hardcore!

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

I collected over 1000 FROGS and Built them an EPIC FROG ISLAND in Minecraft hardcore!

1.19 Minecraft brought frogs into the game so in this episode of hardcore minecraft I collected every color frog and got over 1000 frogs!

This is Episode 25 of my minecraft hardcore 1.19 series!

Follow my Twitter please: https://twitter.com/DownLifetweets
Also credit to Farzy and his “I Built A FROG CITY in Minecraft 1.19 Hardcore (#46)” video!

#minecrafthardcore #hardcoreminecraft #minecraft


39 thoughts on “I Collected 1000 Frogs in Minecraft 1.19 Hardcore!”

  1. Hello, Humans
    Graffiti bombing is when a large graffiti piece is put up over a short period of time. Train bombing is one common form, where a group of writers will quickly cover a train in graffiti before the authorities arrive.


  2. I know this was a while ago, but I think that you should add gilded blackstone instead of blackstone bricks because that is one of the rarest ores in the game because you can only find it in bastions. THEN it would be the ultimate flex


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