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I collected over 1000 FROGS and Built them an EPIC FROG ISLAND in Minecraft hardcore!
1.19 Minecraft brought frogs into the game so in this episode of hardcore minecraft I collected every color frog and got over 1000 frogs!
This is Episode 25 of my minecraft hardcore 1.19 series!
Follow my Twitter please: https://twitter.com/DownLifetweets
Also credit to Farzy and his “I Built A FROG CITY in Minecraft 1.19 Hardcore (#46)” video!
#minecrafthardcore #hardcoreminecraft #minecraft
Thanks for watching guys!
New vids are coming :))))))))
Also follow me pls https://twitter.com/DownLifetweets
a tip use a hoglin farm to get infinite porkchops
Can you make a wall of leaves like acoocky god?
Piraten song
Your effort is off the charts and I really think that you are so underated, you deserve so much more credit than you have. Keep up the great work! Rip Hopper and Jake. 🙁
you should split up the biomes so its random and not hard to get them
Rip rechno
You can make mud by putting a water bottle on dert
Lockdownlife do you kown tha you can plant and grow mango tree under water? Try it pls😇😇😇😇😀😀
You should put fences around the frog house thingy
Lockdown life if you hit 1 million subscribers do a face reveal
Fun fact- did you know if we as fun fact everyone will immediately look at it
Hello, Humans
Graffiti bombing is when a large graffiti piece is put up over a short period of time. Train bombing is one common form, where a group of writers will quickly cover a train in graffiti before the authorities arrive.
This island looks like Kosovo in its shape
just use a torch 6:05
Call it froggoLand
The island is the shape of the county of Montenegro
All the names for the frogs
아…ㅆ유튭왜이럼 누가 해킹했냐 게임에 게자도 모르는데 뭔데 영어로 심지어…이건뭥미….;;;;;;;
Fun fact u can find frogs in normale swamps to
Did u know that when u stand in mud, ur feet sink in the mud?
alternative title:i made a lag island
R.I.P shove lol
Do a video where you get all the achievements. I feel like that would be fun.
Poor frogs being killed at the end
Get hopper and jake back.
u shouldve seperated the frogs by color for each biome they came from
this is like your dog army
The. Island is sometime look like India 😂😂
Lockdownlife slayed them with a sword and in 1 shot
He was alot nicer than me bc i would have used flint and steel and let them burn
not gona lie the frog island looks like india
Hi Lockdown I was a TERRIBLE BUILDER but you made me be a AMAZING builder thx so much 🙂
How uwe you a chunk base
I know this was a while ago, but I think that you should add gilded blackstone instead of blackstone bricks because that is one of the rarest ores in the game because you can only find it in bastions. THEN it would be the ultimate flex
He just brutally kill the white frog in the nether hahaha
Name one of the frogs 'Frog'
Is it just me or does this look more like a prison then a habitat lol