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Check out REDMAGIC here: https://bit.ly/4gT3ujB
I honestly have only good things to say about this tablet. It has everything. the mobility of a phone combined with a big screen, with an insane performance.
I make clickbait videos.. that aren’t clickbaits, because I code the most unthinkable ideas in Minecraft that looks like clickbaits.
My contents are for all ages, but most of the people who watch me are teenagers to young adults. I also turn my viewers’ ideas into reality.
I use all sorts of technology! I use AI, such as Chat GPT or Claude.AI, the Java programming language and MCP reborn to modify the video game’s code. Artificial Intelligence definitely helps a lot, but only used for the most basic tasks.
My Computer specs
Rig 1: RTX 4080 Super with i9-14900K (https://starforgepc.com/ElementX)
Rig 2: RTX 3070 with Ryzen 7 5800X
Rig 3: RTX 2080 with i7-9750H
♫Music used:♫
(These are my own music, and you may use them for free if you’re a content creator. We just ask to credit the music in your video with a link.)
👥Social Media👥
Read before emailing to save your time
● DO NOT reach out if you’re offering video editing or thumbnail design services for my channel.
● If you’re looking to download my minecraft mods…. I’m sorry but I won’t be sharing them.
✅ EMAIL for business, brand partnerships and for personal: [email protected]
✅ Everything else: http://linktr.ee/elementxyt
Check out REDMAGIC here: https://bit.ly/4gT3ujB
I honestly have only good things to say about this tablet. It has everything. the mobility of a phone combined with a big screen, with an insane performance.
I don't know if you would be willing to do this but mabe you could make a video where you add or upgrade redstone components and then ask a redstoner to make something with the things you made
Make scaffolding climbing faster. Yes just that nothing else 😶
Phantoms turn into flying pizzas and drop poison potatoes when you kill them
bro is fundy with a better uppload schedule
make the villagers shearable like sheep
Here's A Dumb Idea Make Every Block Invisable Every Block
Killed mods dorp full body meat
Peanut butter
Dude turned himself into the human centipede
Give iron golems the strength and health of the warden
give creepers melee attacks
Make the helicopter iron gloems as a mod so other people can experience it too because I think it’s cool
Make a black hole enchantment for bows that create black hole that makes blackholes. (Make it so it go on crossbows to)
Make dogs bark REALLY LOUD!
clickbait where is the long nose villager
Minecraft in ohio
If you trade with a villager there is a 50% chance they will reject you
Make the hair grow on villager until unless they start to fall because of there hair ( just like Michal jakson hair) 😂😂😂
Your Editing skills improved my guy! Nice Video!
I like how you basically maie player's Alpha walking animation but even stupider
Make mobs fart
Make small EnderDragon that act like a Phantom but shoot like blaze
Make it be so that way there is a enchanting potion called “vegan” that if you try to eat meat, you get wither and blindness 😈
9:12, Military Task Force
Make everything made by numbers. 1234567890
Stop torture villagers like that
12:07 ai generated villager
combine all of your mods from every video into one
Make everything (exept the map or trees) very short, that short that you only need (to wear) a ender dragon head to see them (watch out for not squeezing the villagers)
Can you play pjsk on that tablet? If so im getting T10 in next emu focus
Make your hit box as big as a full chunk
If you break the grass block all the grass blocks in the world will attack you
Day and night change very fast
1:49 oooh myyy pccccc!
Can you make ads in Minecraft? Every time you die.
ElementX! I'm a really big fan and I would like to show you something (in minecraft bedrock) if you don't know it!
Let's say you have a secret block that is on the ground but you can't get anything to drop from it, right?
You just use a fill command and use "air destroy" to make it turn into air and drop on the ground.
When the "Unknown" block was a block that you could use setblock with, I used this method to get the secret block in my inventory!
(If you use this for a video please consider giving me a shoutout 😀 )
8:11 "got any games on ur phone?"
Swearing, Blaspheming, Sexual Content!😨
Update for the long one. Make it a legit challenge where you get one length when you eat like in Snake. Every part gives a heart but you can get injured from any part
Make cat and dog combine name it the cot
Remake every texture with only the chicken texture
WTF 👁️👄👁️ THE big villagers 7:45
11:28 Just like the good ol days
Hey ElementX there is a youtuber who stole your video his channel name is one hungry boi