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Massive Chest that has basically unlimited storage and automatically sorts all my items
This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and Sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! aCookiegod also with his hardcore Minecraft videos This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better!
#minecraft #hardcore #but
Im so glad how this chest turned out in the end, I literally never have to worry about storage ever again. What do you guys think of it?
Also sadly there will be no upload next Saturday. Me and the team have been grinding super hard to get these out and need a little breather. When we start up again we will be stronger than ever so don’t worry 💪
Thanks for all the support lately aswell!
6:58 pov the lamma "how did I get here?"
I will do 0.1 pushups for how many likes this comment gets .😎😎
think the chest looks ugly no offence but it looks like a birch chest
What Website did he use????? I cant find it i was surching fir hours
When will you do another video
Chests in 2069:
10:23 I think I said this on one of his other videos but he ain’t lying the way of filtering items he uses is very simple. The redstone torch locks the hopper under the hopper facing into the comparator which means nothing can get into it. Once the item in the first slot of the hopper facing the comparator fills up to 42 it increases the e signal strength that the comparator puts out to 3 which turns on the redstone repeater which turns of the redstone torch which lets the item pass through into the chest and the system locks itself once at 41 items again.
Edit: The hopper that the comparator is reading can be place any way you want, such as you can place it facing into the hopper below the comparator just needs to be able to red it.(this doesn’t matter as the hopper below it is locked so nothing can pass through it)
17:03 that were the banners from the video that he got the rarest items in the game
Bro literally forgot he made an infinite bamboo source in his auto smelter building. 😂😂😂
00:00 hehe haha
which version are you playing?
I will do 10 pushups for every like this video gets
what is the website called
What is the name of the website he used to view the blocks?
3:27 camman18 Will Be MAD
meu Deus, pq tá tudo em inglês
Bro knows too much… 6:52
Somone has a bigger chest
Nome de site usado para ver os blocos do baú por favor.
24:43 Pause the vid to see in the top left corner, 9;11 refrence
the chest needs to be darker
Como sé llama esa página?
Man wtf i wanna see the main channel, all your videos… i don't understand why there are only 12 videos here
I wanna see all the construction pls
Se ve mal el cofre xD
Soy de México
y como se llama la página
you sound like homer from the simpsons. hahaha
Chest that store everything
I am 0 years old and every time the comit gets 1 👍 I’m one year older
What website do you use to build the chest?
every time I see an item in my inventory go down in numbers I get depressed lol
What page are you using?
make a crafting table 4 atuo crafts
6:18 quedó horrible, de cerca, y de lejos es muy pálido, se sigue viendo mejor el cofre original
what app did you use to build the chest?
what app did you use to build the chest?
Igual pequeño el cofre 😊
porque tu portal de end sebe raro?
Anyone know the name of the web site to plan then build, and see how many blocks are needed?
Bro es wey parece el rey de la paciencia
Missed the chance to make the door the Iron part of the chest