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I Built a Massive Void Base In Hardcore Minecraft
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this video was inspired by my great friend @CJL definitely go check him out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFZ5D9HyR4s&t=421s
This video is inspired by Wadzee and Luke TheNoteable Hardcore Minecraft Series, as well as Mumbo Jumbo and Grian on the Hermitcraft server. However, instead of it being Wadzee, Luke, Mumbo Jumbo or Grian, it’s actually just Carvs. I like to make Giant Mega Builds, and this is similar to a Custom Minecraft Challenge video, except the Custom Minecraft Challenge is to survive. yes I stole this from sandiction. Also Beppo, I Trapped Minecraft’s RAREST mobs. Im Carvs
#minecraft #hardcore #survival
I have done that before I built mine in 10 minutes
I never knew mooshroom cows was that hard to find i find it so fast
Jap I definitely like and subscribe
This is exactly what I imagined trying to build any sort of colony outside Earth: dark, everything wants to kill you, requires a mind-numbing amount of resources, and yet out of the stubbornness of man bears something beautiful yet dreadful
Ima from "500k" team now)
You dont have crafting table in your "Base"
You see, you are missing the most essential thing…and that is the bed🤭
Mojang: Sees this video
Also Mojang: “Wait, that’s illegal!”
2:34 what the song?
I subd Your a Good minecraft youtuber:)
everytime the editing gave me aids (4.73 aids/s) kicked a baby down the stairs and when the channel plug came I gaslighted 7 homeless people to go to a certain location at exactly 2:30 AM, next morning there was 10k in my mail
i like to think that every single item you ever put in a chest has its own cool story
one more interesting than another
like that dirt to the yellow dye
I subed before 500k I watched 357k
And what if they despawn????
U r 1 iq why didn’t u just use the machine you used to make the bigger hole on the smaller hole!!!
You are going places fast man!
This is to prove ive been here since the begining😊🎉
YOU gotta build a house the n he will spqwn
Why not drop scafoldings on shulkers
Im subbed
500k club <3
try roblox Also roblox was made before minecraft was and is kinda similar tbh
500k club i joined
I only subscribed because of you harassment
Wait… You said "all night" so you played Minecraft at 3AM to!
How do people even figure out how this works. I don't belong here
honestly awesome
Before 500k gang
Just usethe chest boats as floor
Couldn't you have moved blocks into the void with pistons?
The wondering trader disappeared lol
can you stop building things on my face
Bro still says “libary”
Cow did a boat clutch
Why didn’t you just drop sand on the shoulders
Good luck 🤞