I Built Minecraft IRL for my Axolotl

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This week, I’m building our new Axolotl a lush cave from Minecraft!

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This is a temporary Minecraft themed tank. Next week we will be moving a few of the Axolotls to a HUGE surprise tank. Make sure you’re subscribed! What do you think we should name this new axolotl? Comment below!

This was the hardest build I’ve ever done and it took weeks to create real life Minecraft blocks and get them into the lush axolotl cave. Since Minecraft 1.17, Axolotls can be found in caves in the game! I thought it would be amazing to try and recreate this IRL!

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, leave them down in the comments! Also for additional content like this, video tutorials, projects sneak peeks and more, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @aquariuminfo.

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If you love axolotls, be sure to check out my other videos: I Built My Axolotl the World’s Longest Tunnel, I took a rare axolotl on an airplane, I rescued an axolotl, This is a morphed axolotl, Axololt morphs you should know, I made an underground cave for my axolotl


47 thoughts on “I Built Minecraft IRL for my Axolotl”

  1. What should we name my new bb axolotl!? Comment below πŸ‘‡

    I’m so happy with how this temporary setup turned out! What do you think? Would you make one for your axolotl? Here are a few pointers if you’d like to make your own:

    β€’ Be sure you use a big enough tank. Axolotls require at least 20 gallon aquariums. In this video, I went with a 60 gallon cube, but for a long term setup I’d recommend a bookshelf style (long) aquarium
    β€’ Use food safe (and therefore fish safe) materials. GE Silicone I is a common product used in fishkeeping since it’s fish safe once cured (fully dry). This is my go to glue for my projects
    β€’ Avoid sharp edges on your Minecraft blocks. I took the extra step to sand and smooth each block in my axolotl’s tank. This will help protect their delicate skin and keep them safe
    β€’ Make sure you cycle your aquarium. This process can take between 2-4 weeks, sometimes even longer, so it’s important to test your water parameters before welcoming your friend to their new home
    β€’ Be creative and have fun!! I’d love to see your creations. Be sure to share them with our community too πŸ’›

  2. I love you so much and im obsessed over axolotls and im getting one but I don't have any thing so I really wanna win im subscribed but what do I do now? Please reply thx, I think you should name it jam for jam and butter or toast for toast and butter

  3. You should name him cooper the copper colored axolotl πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ


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