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I Built a Working Plane In Minecraft
⚠️Start From the Beginning! ⚠️
• I Reached 1000 LE…
This MINECRAFT HARDCORE SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and Sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT! aCookiegod also with his hardcore Minecraft videos This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better!
#minecraft #hardcore #but
You could have tested it in the downloaded world
why dont you use barrils for storage
Don’t be poor by just playing
The fact that they didn't play golf makes me sad
I see mumbo jumbo in the "average player" Group but he's not an average player he is a Master at redstone
I have a idea maybe fly to the border with the plane next vid
Bro, you forgot the barrel
Hey i really like this build, it would be nice if you made 2 towers and another plane
thanks for the easy to follow tutorial, i managed to build my own plane in just 6 minutes! with this, my city build is almost finished, now i just need a tutorial on how to build skyscrapers. like two or something along the lines. by september my world will be perfect!
you sound like @nathandoan
I rate this plane 9/11
and i built a working pair of towers, time to collab
Great work. Your skill is unbelievable. Just keep it up your good work. Lot's of love to you from India.
Now build two towers
11:11 If your on timed comments clap your hands.
Bro forgot the twin towers part 😭😭😭😭 I hate my life😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 why am I like this?😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
All those minecraft kids who build something 'amazing' in their virtual world.
When they stand up feeling excited because they have the believing that they done something great the past day….waking up in real live and remember that it is just another day where you going to be bullied.
Welcome in real live
Not a worlds record but I like the build
11:22 what's that moan in the backround?
I have finally got an account on this device
t w i n t o w e r s doesn't like this video
damn noah would be proud
This is so funny 13:49
Can I join this survival world and build two skyscrapers diagonally placed next to each other?
TV mod left the chat /-/
For the furnace you could have done furnace in a minecart
Please see this comment and fix the corner of the mooshroom gate or else I will come to your house at the middle of the night and…… the rest that’s up to you… if you can make it
Just a heads up. Its not REAL
Mumbo jumbo left the chat:
It's official, you "Minecraft" players have way too much time on your hands. Just looking at Pingu's profile avatar & you already know that he demands a lot of money.
this is really awesome Carvs
Reminds or reminder
Right for Carvs' pain
1 like is 1$for carvs' pay pal
I miss that two thing damn 0:26
0:26 the two villager towers in the distance moment