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In this video I built a WITHER SKELETON FARM in Minecraft Hardcore! Welcome to Episode 39 of WadZee’s Hardcore Minecraft Series. Today I Built a Wither Skeleton Farm in the Nether to get INFINITE COAL, BONES & INFINITE WITHER SKELETON SKULLS. Want to find out how to build a wither skull farm in minecraft hardcore? watch the whole video to find out!
Wither Skeleton Farm Tutorial (by ShulkerCraft)
“Minecraft Wither Skeleton Farm – Over 60 Skulls Per Hour – 1.16”
Watch the Series from Episode 1:
Enjoyed this video? You’ll also enjoy these videos, making giant builds in Minecraft:
“I Transformed an Ocean Monument in Minecraft Hardcore (#38)”
“I Drained an Ocean Monument in Minecraft Hardcore (#37)”
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All music by Kevin Macleod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-…
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Wadzee, i dont understand why you didn't use a beacon, it made no sense but whatever floats you boat.
227k likes with 3m views 😭
https://youtu.be/NTHVpGYP6HY Teddy gaming is copying your videos
Why dont you make a redstone lamp system to avoid lagging by to much enitys
i cant even imagine what would if he died id probaly be depressed for the rest of my life
That looks like snow in nether
You were able to use bone meal on wither roses in overworld
Why dont you use a stonecutter its way more efficient with a stone cutter
pigstep: get copyrighted
Wadzee: plays it anyway
Mojang: mad
Enderman farm is better
do a challenge where mobs have constant swiftness and do 10,000 knockback
My friend died because he searched up the scientific pig name
Can’t wait for the unlimited diamond farm
What happend if he dies ??
#HarcoreIdea: May you please build an infinite netherite farm, I have seen one but I don't think it is real.
Episode 40 I made a raid farm
Episode 100 I made a enderdragon farm
You should make a raid farm btw it’s super op for hardcore
Flint Farm!
Teddy gaming copy yours YouTube videos
Video Idea
– Use the giant hole you digged to bedrock and build a village on the sides. You can make a spiral path on the sides. In the center you can build a statue of your skin holding a sword, like if the villagers were worshiping you.
I feel like removing the bastions would be better than slabbing it out, TnT till flat then slab.
hi wadzee how are you? i just wanted to ask
He should add one pumpkin to annoy everyone.
Make a emerald farm
Make a Giant village in hardcore Minecraft 😁😄
hay men!!for an next build you could make a giant logo of de wah wah army!!!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXv_UYbZ-AP3w7uulH-LSUA copy you video
WadZee U can use a stone cutter to get more slabs and to get more slabs
6:39 This looks so cursed cuz its snow in the nether
Hey wadzee teddy gaming had copied your idea of draining ocean monument and conveting nether into over world without giving you credit😠😠 checkout his vedios:https://youtu.be/NTHVpGYP6HY
I will never be able to make any of the really cool things you have built in my entire lifetime.
imagine If everyone in the comments subscribe to me it would make my day. god bless you all 🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Raid farm please
Just a thought…. but since you single handedly destroyed that area of the desert biome, I think you should build The Great Pyramid of Giza over the damage you did. You may need to destroy another sand biome to do it 😂
I am surprised he did all this in only 39 episodes.
The amount of wither roses is 402
WadZee, i have a question but dont be TOO offensive if ur reading this.
do you cheat on your hardcore world, what i meant by that is, is the cheat mode on?
just wondering cus i dont know if i could trust you when you made the video called "I Transformed the NETHER into the OVERWORLD in Minecraft Hardcore (#36)", when you were mining some obisidians, you cut the video, right? then ur pickaxe has the same durability after you mined 12 STACKS of obsidians, although, you would probably say "i killed some endermen to gain back the durability, but no. thats not the case, ur xp didnt go UP, same as it didnt go DOWN as if you would get netherite ingots and repair it using anvils.
you should of just removed the bastion, great vid btw 🙂
he fr found pigstep which took my friends and I split up 5 hours to find, he just randomly found it, smh