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Building a Villager Breeder on One Block Minecraft
• watch from EPISODE #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxmvG3M7ays&list=PLqyCqmSEa8cQEWtve1u6oaYVRvj2GPRmw
• watch my LAST EPISODE: https://youtu.be/twZYpyWS0Fw
(I Transformed the NETHER PORTAL on ONE BLOCK Minecraft #5)
follow me or no cookies for life
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This MINECRAFT HARDCORE ONE BLOCK SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT on only ONE BLOCK! This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better!
#minecraft #hardcore #but
thanks for watching my video ;D
Is this for the Cookie army
nah mainnnnnnnnn
A tip that you can craft dirt with gravel and get gravel from nether
You can make more dirt by using gravel to make course dirty and the hoeing it u will double your dirty
u can duplicate dirt by crafting coarse dirt with 2 dirt and 2 gravel (available in the nether) then using a shovel to make the coarse dirt into a path one and mining it to get more dirt
U can go around looting bastions and fortresses
Cookie vid standards: forget to place torches in large platform, causing tons of mobs to spawn: Cookie forgetting English: cookie doing something risky and dumb: creeper exploding: time lapse of something painfully long.
Cookie is the best youtuber
There were literally shares in the chest

Bro just waited a full hour to get a pumkin
CookieGod did a really rich job for this hotel.He is smart person
Yw what about ur hardcore world
Make a string duper
Can you make a Snow golems for a security guard

Make a iron farm an make a proper food farm so you dont starve to death
Hi cookie
Can you tell me what about secret Minecraft?
It’s my birthday
Best YouTuber
8:18 Open Up FBI

creep in the window is always seeying you
Man the cat didn,t die bc they always Land on there feet
Villagers House=

Bro's House=
did you guys realized that
his one block series is avarage at 22+ minutes
that makes this series an anime!!!
Best video ever
Cat stornbrick
Man just wants more
friends because he has no friends
You can't deny about that part where cookie was laughing at the phantom and the bee hits him
Why not do the gravel trick for dirt? Just combine 2 dirt and 2 gravel (which you can get in the nether) and you will get 4 blocks which you can place and use a shovel to make it into pathing and then break it to get normal dirt… it costs 2 dirt and some time to get gravel but you double your dirt
tip: u can make charcole with logs and u have unlimited coal
u wont need any coal
Grab to blocks of dirt and gravel and make coarse dirt make that dirt into dirt path and break it now you got 4 pieces if dirt