I Built A Self Destructing Vault in Minecraft

Minecraft Viki (video wiki) ➜ https://minecraft.viki.gg

This Vault Self Destructs. Does that make it the safest vault? Or the Deadliest Vault? Idk, it’s Lifesteal man, it’s always deadly.

Hope you like it 🙂

Theme song by Nombra101:


I’m terrible at social media!
Twitter: @branzytweets
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/branzylive


38 thoughts on “I Built A Self Destructing Vault in Minecraft”

  1. A song dedicated to you Branzy

    Branzy your a fine man

    In the depths of Minecraft's lands,
    Lives Branzy, with crafty hands,
    He mines for diamonds, strong and true,
    In this pixel realm, his skills shine through.

    Branzy, you're a fine blocky guy,
    What a great miner you would be,
    With a sword that reaches the sky,
    Crafting dreams in a pixel sea.

    In the mines, he delves so deep,
    Guarding treasures that secrets keep,
    With a pickaxe in his hand so bold,
    Mining diamonds and crafting gold.

    Branzy, you're a fine blocky guy,
    What a great miner you would be,
    With a sword that reaches the sky,
    Crafting dreams in a pixel sea.

  2. :the first time this video showed up on the screen: “I’ll watch that later” :again: “I’ll watch that later” :again: “I’ll watch that later.” :again: “I’ll watch that next week.” :again: “I’ll watch that next week.. :a little bit later: “I’ll WATCH THAT NEXT MILLENIUM!” :AGAIN: “FINE I’ll watch it!” :after: a perfect bundle of chaos


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