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In todays hardcore minecraft video, I will be bulding a base under lava! with the new minecraft 1.18 updat there are these giant lava caves so I thought it would be awesome to build a secret base! drop a like on the video if you enjoyed it and want to see more hardcore videos! #hardcore #minecrafthardcore #minecraft
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I WANNA BE A SHEEP TOOO!!!!! ( NAME – Dracop_7 Red sheep pls
Name me yellow sheep
Hey Paul, can you name a Sheep Robin ? I like the Color green 😊
Hey paul I would love too be a sheep can you name mine Dillon and make it cyan
I want to be a light blue sheep, just like the sky
have been watching this series since u started it, would love to be a lime sheep
Oh man, I'm trying to keep up with your and cookie hardcore series and I gotta say you are very epic gamer. Your hardcore series is epic
I would like to be a light blue sheep with name Dragon
Can I be a black sheep
Can you name a pink sheep Falcon532 for me?
Hey Paul I really want to be named after a sheep so my name is Sky and my favorite color is pink
I found a fossil I was like. OMG
Now you can do strider race in overworld 1.18
I would like to be a magenta sheep
Name me "the spiffing attio king". And white
OMG you are da best!!!!! (blue sheep named youbi)
Can I please be named after a blue sheep please I’ve been here since day one
Paulgg I want a sheep to name gaser color orange
Wassup paul Can I have a orange sheep name SRPG
can you pwease make me a pink sheep🥺..name arnab
I would love to be a light-blue sheep and name it saba (my real name) love you and hope you will read this comment
hey if you could name me WILLIAM pink that would be nice but if not thats fine
Best Minecraft series on you tube !!
Please name a sheep after me. You can take the color black :3
Make it like a secret redstone vault
Hi I love your videos. Can I have a red sheep named ben
Hey love the video, could I be a white sheep in the sheep farm? Lol
Hi Paul! If you're reading this. Will you name one sheep as my real name Oliver? That would be great to be in the sheep family 😀 Also, your content is just great I always enjoy it. 🙂
I wanna be a pink sheep :0
I want to be a purple sheep🐑💜
Dinnerbone – red sheep
Hey Paul
I really love your videos
And I wanna become sheep army too purple name aiza
I’m not gunna write a sappy speech so I can catch the attention of Paul. But it would be cool if I could be sheep. Red?
Hey bro, if u have the time could u name a sheep Jake.c it would be so cool to see myself as part of your world!!! Btw the build looks so good I am taking inspiraition from it and putting it on my realm with friends.
It been 2 years since I am a addicted to this series please pic me black colour name batman
hey paul. i have been a huge fan from the beginning. can you please name a sheep Louise and make it pink please. 🐑❤️💗
Hey Paul I have been here for over a year. I remember all your vids from 2 years ago and well sorta cringe compared to now but still. Love to see a Olive sheep named after me.
Keep up the great vids, can't wait for more hardcore vids.
Hey Paul can u name 2 sheep after my siblings pArker and piper and I feel u should use this base for nether creatures
paul my name f2playzz and a green sheep
Yo Paul is there any way I could be a purple sheep named barnacle it'd be carry cool
can I be in the sheep army cuz I love the serie and I would like to be lime and my name is Fien
anyone else questioning how he slept in the Nether
Hey Paul can I have a real sheep with the name benji