I Built A Secret Under Lava Base In Minecraft Hardcore! (#93)

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In todays hardcore minecraft video, I will be bulding a base under lava! with the new minecraft 1.18 updat there are these giant lava caves so I thought it would be awesome to build a secret base! drop a like on the video if you enjoyed it and want to see more hardcore videos! #hardcore #minecrafthardcore #minecraft

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43 thoughts on “I Built A Secret Under Lava Base In Minecraft Hardcore! (#93)”

  1. Hi Paul! If you're reading this. Will you name one sheep as my real name Oliver? That would be great to be in the sheep family 😀 Also, your content is just great I always enjoy it. 🙂

  2. Hey Paul I have been here for over a year. I remember all your vids from 2 years ago and well sorta cringe compared to now but still. Love to see a Olive sheep named after me.
    Keep up the great vids, can't wait for more hardcore vids.


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